Derived McKay correspondence in dimensions 4 and above
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Mustapha Amrani.
Moduli Spaces
Given a finite subgroup G of SL_n© the McKay correspondence studies the relation between G-equivalent geometry of Cn and the geometry of a resolution of Y of Cn/G. In their groundbreaking work, Bridgeland, Kind, and Reid have established that for n = 2,3 the scheme Y = G-Hilb(Cn) is a crepant resolution of Cn/G and that the derived category D(Y) is equivalent to the G-equivalent derived category DG(Cn). It follows that we also have D(Y) = DG(C3) for any other crepant resolution Y of C^3/G. In this talk, I discuss possible ways of generalizing this to dimension 4 and above.
This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.
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