University of Cambridge > > Hills Coffee Talks > The capacity of Constant Torsion Emergent Gravity to resolve cosmological tensions

The capacity of Constant Torsion Emergent Gravity to resolve cosmological tensions

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Charles Walker.

Despite the success of the ΛCDM model in explaining a wide range of cosmological phenomena, observational discrepancies such as the Hubble tension and curvature tension, as well as theoretical challenges such as the inability to unify General Relativity with other fundamental forces in particle physics, have prompted a reevaluation of our current cosmological model and an exploration of other theories of gravity. We investigate the constant torsion emergent gravity (CTEG) model, a specific case of Poincare Gauge Theory (PGT) of gravity. This model introduces two extra cosmological parameters in addition to the six parameters in ΛCDM, and can be treated as a standard extension to ΛCDM with modified dark energy. This modification is then implemented with CAMB and the constraints of the cosmological parameters of PGT is obtained through nested sampling using Polychord and Cobaya. Our results offer a comparative analysis against the ΛCDM model, looking at the possibility of CTEG to resolve key observational tensions.

This talk is part of the Hills Coffee Talks series.

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