University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > Deforming K3 twistor spaces and cycles in the K3 period domain

Deforming K3 twistor spaces and cycles in the K3 period domain

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TWTW01 - Twistors in Geometry & Physics

While there has been a well-understood connection between individual twistor families built from hyperkähler metrics on K3 surfaces and special subvarieties in the period domain of K3 surfaces, the relation between the complex geometry of the parameter space for such subvarieties (the cycle space) on the one hand and hyperkähler geometry on the other hand has been almost neglected for the last few decades. In my talk, I will report on recent joint work with Martin Schwald (Cologne) in which we make the first steps towards understanding the meaning of the cycle space in terms of deformation theory and moduli of twistor spaces and in terms of deformation theory of complex-hyperkähler structures on K3 surfaces.  

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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