University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > Quantum symmetries of graphs and their generalizations

Quantum symmetries of graphs and their generalizations

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QIAW02 - New trends at the intersection of quantum information theory, quantum groups and operator algebras

Quantum symmetries play an important role in quantum mathematics. After Woronowicz defined compact quantum groups in the 1980s and Sh. Wang defined the quantum permutation group (as the quantum symmetries of n discrete points) in the 1990s, Banica and Bichon gave definitions of quantum automorphism groups of finite graphs in the 2000s. Building on this, many more combinatorial structures can be studied with respect to their quantum symmetries. In my talk, I will briefly survey latest results of my group and myself on quantum symmetries of graphs, hypergraphs, matroids and further related quantum group constructions. I might also mention nonlocal games, who knows.

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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