University of Cambridge > > Computer Laboratory Digital Technology Group (DTG) Meetings > (Research) Automated Physical Performance Assessment : Supplementary Assistance for Rowing Coaching / (Skills) Developing with Flash and Actionscript

(Research) Automated Physical Performance Assessment : Supplementary Assistance for Rowing Coaching / (Skills) Developing with Flash and Actionscript

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(Research) Automated Physical Performance Assessment : Supplementary Assistance for Rowing Coaching, Simon Fothergill

Providing real-time feedback to performers of physical tasks on how they are moving is an important part of a training session and can help improve a technique and prevent injuries. Automating this provision can supplement the work of coaches when they are unavailable as well as offering an objective and high fidelity analysis. This work focuses on analysing the quality of techniques for closed-sports and in particular indoor rowing, to inform the athlete how close they are to an ideal performance and how they could correct any faults.

A data capture and feedback system has been developed for a rowing machine, integrating conventional video, 3D motion capture and pressure sensors, and installed in a university college boathouse. This talk will present the system and how it is used to gather data on rowing performances as well as examining algorithms that measure the similarity between an ideal and given rowing technique.

(Skills) Developing with Flash and Actionscript, Oliver Woodman

This skills talk will describe how Adobe Flash and Actionscript can be used to develop rich internet applications. As well as a simple tutorial, this talk will outline how Flash development can be easily understood from a programmer’s point of view. Lessons learnt from the development of OpenRoommap will also be presented.

This talk is part of the Computer Laboratory Digital Technology Group (DTG) Meetings series.

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