University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > Zolotarev numbers and inverse nonuniform discrete Fourier transforms

Zolotarev numbers and inverse nonuniform discrete Fourier transforms

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CATW04 - Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations - perspectives in 2023

Zolotarev’s rational approximation problems are relevant in a number of applications in modern computational science, including matrix function evaluation, eigendecompositions, the solving of matrix equations, and the solving of special linear systems.  We give an overview of the Zolotarev problems and, relatedly, the Zolotarev numbers, and we highlight recent work where Zolotarev numbers have been applied to design a superfast method for computing inverse nonuniform discrete Fourier transforms. This work is joint with Ethan Epperly and Alex Barnett.

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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