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Contributed talk: Recipe for imaging global and local solar internal magnetism

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DY2W03 - Modeling, observing and understanding flows and magnetic fields in the Earth's core and in the Sun

Solar internal density, sound-speed and rotation have been tightly constrained using helioseismic inversions.  It is well-known that such inverse problems are written in the form of an integral equation that connects the perturbations to the observations via “sensitivity kernels”. While the sensitivity kernels for density, sound-speed and flow have been known for decades and have been used extensively, formulating kernels for general magnetic perturbations had been elusive. In this talk I will discuss two of the studies during my PhD on (A) proposing the sensitivity kernels for general global magnetic fields which pave the path to carrying out formal imaging of global magnetic fields, and (B) extending this treatment to localized patches on the Sun using specially designed basis functions called Slepian functions.  

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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