University of Cambridge > > Computer Laboratory NetOS Group Talklets > Cake: a language for linking mismatched object code

Cake: a language for linking mismatched object code

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Conventional linkers and compilers do not adequately support composition of mismatched software components, since they implicitly assume components to be plug-compatible and homogeneous. Cake is a special-purpose linking language which complements conventional tools by describing correspondences (or relations) between mismatched preexisting components. I’ll briefly describe the benefits of the Cake language and the case-studies which have shaped its design.

[This is a five-minute practice talk for a short paper track at ICSE . Those who attended my longer CPRG talk on the same subject shouldn’t expect to learn much new from attending. I’ll be doing a further practice run-through of the longer talk immediately after the netos meeting, which any interested audience members are invited to stay for.]

This talk is part of the Computer Laboratory NetOS Group Talklets series.

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