University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > Large-charge expansions and their asymptotics.

Large-charge expansions and their asymptotics.

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  • UserNicola Andrea Dondi (Universität Bern)
  • ClockWednesday 14 September 2022, 09:00-10:00
  • HouseNo Room Required.

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AR2W01 - Physical resurgence: On quantum, gauge, and stringy

In generic CFTs with a U(1) symmetry, the conformal data related to heavy operators of large U(1)-charge Q can be organised in a perturbative series in 1/Q. These perturbative expansions are generically factorially divergent. I will present the example of the 3D Wilson-Fisher O(2N) CFT in a suitable large-charge sector, where also N is taken to be large. Scaling dimensions in this model show double factorial growth in 1/Q generated by Worldline instantons saddles. These non-perturbative corrections can be systematically included in an unambiguous transseries which can be extrapolated to light low-charged sectors. The factorial growth can be related to the dilution and consequent breakdown of the heavy-density superfluid EFT phase which governs the large-Q sector of this CFT . The talk is based on work done in collaboration with Susanne Reffert, Domenico Orlando and Ioannis Kalogerakis from the University of Bern.

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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