University of Cambridge > > Computer Laboratory Digital Technology Group (DTG) Meetings > (Research) OpenRoomMap: Mapping the Gates building / (Skills) Best Papers Lent 2009

(Research) OpenRoomMap: Mapping the Gates building / (Skills) Best Papers Lent 2009

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Andrew Rice.

Research: OpenRoomMap

In this talk I will outline the goals of the OpenRoomMap project and discuss our initial trial mapping of the William Gates Building. Please have a look (and do some mapping) at before the talk.

Skills: Best Papers Lent 2009

Each member of the group will submit an entry for the best paper they have read this term. We will have very a brief presentation on as many as we can fit in to 30 minutes.

This talk is part of the Computer Laboratory Digital Technology Group (DTG) Meetings series.

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