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Linear evolution equations with dynamic boundary conditions

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CATW02 - Complex analysis in mathematical physics and applications

The classical half line Robin problem for the heat equation may be solved via a spatial Fourier transform method. In this talk, we study the problem in which the static Robin condition $bq(0,t)+q_x(0,t)=0$ is replaced with a dynamic Robin condition; $b=b(t)$ is allowed to vary in time. We present a solution representation, and justify its validity, via an extension of the Fokas transform method. We show how to reduce the problem to a variable coefficient fractional linear ordinary differential equation for the Dirichlet boundary value. We implement the fractional Frobenius method to solve this equation, and justify that the error in the approximate solution of the original problem converges appropriately. We also demonstrate an argument for existence and unicity of solutions to the original dynamic Robin problem for the heat equation. Finally, we extend these results to linear evolution equations of arbitrary spatial order on the half line, with arbitrary linear dynamic boundary conditions.

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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