University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > Falkon: fast and optimal kernel method for large scale machine learning

Falkon: fast and optimal kernel method for large scale machine learning

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STSW01 - Theoretical and algorithmic underpinnings of Big Data

Kernel methods provide a principled way to perform non linear, nonparametric learning. They rely on solid functional analytic foundations and enjoy optimal statistical properties. However, at least in their basic form, they have limited applicability in large scale scenarios because of stringent computational requirements in terms of time and especially memory. In this paper, we take a substantial step in scaling up kernel methods, proposing FALKON , a novel algorithm that allows to efficiently process millions of points. FALKON is derived combining several algorithmic principles, namely stochastic subsampling, iterative solvers and preconditioning. Our theoretical analysis shows that optimal statistical accuracy is achieved requiring essentially O(n) memory and O(n sqrt{n}) time. An extensive experimental analysis on large scale datasets shows that, even with a single machine, FALKON outperforms previous state of the art solutions, which exploit parallel/distributed architectures.

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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