University of Cambridge > > Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars > 3d N=2 gauge theories on Seifert manifolds (or: how to localise on the PoincarĂ© sphere)

3d N=2 gauge theories on Seifert manifolds (or: how to localise on the Poincaré sphere)

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr. Carl Turner.

Much new insight about the dynamics of supersymmetric theories in three space-time dimensions has been obtained thanks to exact, non-perturbative results for supersymmetry-protected observables, including the so-called supersymmetric partition functions. In this talk, I will discuss new results for the supersymmetric partition function of 3d N=2 gauge theories on any (orientable) Seifert three-manifold. I will explain how all these supersymmetric partition functions (including the familiar three-sphere) are related to each other, and can be thought of as expectation values of some defect line operators in a 3d twisted chiral ring.

This talk is part of the Quantum Fields and Strings Seminars series.

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