University of Cambridge > > Computer Laboratory Systems Research Group Seminar > Not just Pi in the sky: low-tech solutions for social innovation

Not just Pi in the sky: low-tech solutions for social innovation

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Eiko Yoneki.

Join the Catalyst team from Lancaster University to discuss new ideas for the use of low cost, open-source technology, co-design and co-production methods for social innovation. Organised as a show & tell session, the seminar is an opportunity to see how an interdisciplinary team of academics, community volunteers and homeless people have co-designed #PAT, a personal appointment system that uses Raspberry Pi and RFID technologies. #Pat is a prototype designed during the course of #Patchworks, the first Catalyst research ‘sprint’. #Patchworks is a collaboration between Morecambe-based community support group ‘Signposts’, Manchester DIY innovators ‘MadLab’ and Lancaster academics from biology, management, computing and sociology. Catalyst is a three-year citizen-led research project based at Lancaster University and funded by the EPRSC (RCUK Grant EP/I033017/1)

Bio: The core Catalyst team is an interdisciplinary group and includes: Maria Angela Ferrario (Research Associate, Management/Computing), Will Simm (Research Associate, Computing/Engineering), Jen Southern (Research Associate, Sociology/Digital Art), Erinma Ochu (Project Manager, Public Engagement) and Jon Whittle (Principal Investigator, Computing).

More information about: Catalyst: #Patchworks & #Pat:

Note that this seminar takes a form of a Show & Tell session followed by Q&A/discussion.

This talk is part of the Computer Laboratory Systems Research Group Seminar series.

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