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A Non-Equilibrium Transport Sampler

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SSDW04 - Monte Carlo sampling: beyond the diffusive regime

I will present an algorithm, termed the Non-Equilibrium Transport Sampler (NETS), to sample from unnormalized probability distributions. NETS can be viewed as a variant of annealed importance sampling (AIS) based on Jarzynski’s equality, in which the stochastic differential equation used to perform the non-equilibrium sampling is augmented with an additional learned drift term that lowers the impact of the unbiasing weights used in AIS . This drift is the minimizer of a variety of objective functions, which can all be estimated in an unbiased fashion without backpropagating through solutions of the stochastic differential equations governing the sampling. I will also prove that some these objectives control the Kullback-Leibler divergence of the estimated distribution from its target. NETS is shown to be unbiased and, in addition, has a tunable diffusion coefficient which can be adjusted post-training to maximize the effective sample size. Tthe efficacy of the method will be illustrated on standard benchmarks, high-dimensional Gaussian mixture distributions, and a model from statistical lattice field theory, for which it surpasses the performances of related work and existing baselines. This is joint work with Michael Albergo.

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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