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Verse: Specification, Testing, and Verification for the Working Software Engineer

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BSPW01 - Big Specification: Specification, Proof, and Testing at Scale

VERSE is a new effort to build an environment for writing, testing, and verifing systems software in C. The intention is to offer a low-cost path to tangible benefit and a gentle slope to higher-assurance tools, with carefully integrated tools for specification, specification-based testing, SMT -based automated proof, interactive proof, and proof synthesis and repair.  Input from both HCI experts and working software engineers will drive an iterative, user-centred design process.  Our goal is to bring proof engineering technologies out of the academic ivory tower and into traditional software development settings, empowering developers with a wide spectrum of formal-methods sophistication to build better software. I’ll sketch what VERSE looks like so far, where we hope it’s going, and what we’ve learned from others that have trodden some of the same ground. Verse is joint work with a large team at Penn, Cambridge, UIUC , Amherst, Maryland, EPFL , Galois, Lynx, and Lockheed.  

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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