University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > Vector fields on noncompact manifolds

Vector fields on noncompact manifolds

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  • UserDaisuke Kishimoto (Kyushu University)
  • ClockThursday 06 June 2024, 09:30-10:30
  • HouseExternal.

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TRH - Topology, representation theory and higher structures

Will present the Poincare-Hopf theorem for a bounded vector field on a connected noncompact manifold having a cocompact and properly discontinuous action of a discrete group. As a corollary, we will see that every bounded vector field on such a noncompact manifold has infinitely many zeros whenever the orbit manifold has nontrivial Euler characteristic and the acting group is amenable.

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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