Multi-Agent Simulation and Learning in TorchRL
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Mateja Jamnik.
In this talk, we will discuss how multi-agent simulation and learning can be performed in the TorchRL library. In particular, we will focus on showcasing TorchRL’s MARL API through a series of examples and demos from the multi-robot systems domain.
The talk will begin by introducing the VectorizedMultiAgentSimulator (VMAS), a vectorized simulator comprised of a PyTorch physics engine and a collection of multi-robot tasks. It will then focus on discussing how this simulator is integrated in TorchRL training library to benefit from on-device batched simulation and training as well as illustrating the general API for integrating any MARL environment/game in the library.
Lastly, it will present an application of the components presented through a live demo of a full multi-agent training pipeline for a multi-robot navigation task.
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This talk is part of the Artificial Intelligence Research Group Talks (Computer Laboratory) series.
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