Exploring cognition across cultures: Insights for testing world-wide navigation
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact John Mollon.
The host for this talk is Deborah Talmi
How does the environment and the culture we live in impact our cognition? This is a challenging question to answer at global level, comparing across the vast array or environments and cultures that exist on our planet. On approach, taken here, is to focus on the universal ability to navigate space, which varies wildly in many populations and has a range of cultural associations where some groups and nations are famed for their navigation. To explore this phenomena we used a gamified test of navigation in the form of a mobile app – Sea Hero Quest. In this talk I explore patterns in the data collected from over 4 million participants that provide insight into the way out environment and culture can shape cognition.
This talk is part of the Zangwill Club series.
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