Forza, Halo, Xbox Live: The magic of research in products
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Fabien Petitcolas.
Abstract: In this talk, I will reveals the magic behind the Artificial Intelligence of Forza Motorsport and the machine learning algorithm Trueskill that matches players in Halo 3 and other Xbox LIVE games. I will also explain how simple geometry and advanced high-school maths mixed with tons of imagination can lead to exciting new possibilities in the realm of computer games and beyond.
Biography: Ralf Herbrich is a Senior Researcher at Microsoft’s computer science research lab in Cambridge. In his work, he and his team combine cutting-edge research in computational intelligence and machine learning with their passion for computer games and the Internet. Ralf has co-authored over 50 peer-reviewed publications in machine learning, optimization, probabilistic modelling, learning theory and game AI.
This talk is part of the Microsoft Research Summer School series.
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