Magic Squares
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Kerstin Enright.
Admission to the lecture is free but by ticket only. Please visit the MMP website
Did you know that people knew about magic squares 3000 years ago? In this workshop, we will use historical examples of magic squares to give students a sense of the long history of maths and how it has been part of different cultures. Questions we will consider include:
-Why is the turtle in the graphic of this workshop?
-Can you make a magic square of any size, or are
there some which aren’t possible?
-What is an anti-magic square, and how do they help
us investigate magic squares?
-How can you predict what the row/column/diagonal
total will be for a magic square?
-How do you construct your own magic squares?
This talk is part of the MMP public and schools' events series.
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