On feedback control of switches and oscillators based on dominance theory
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Alberto Padoan.
The seminar shows how to use feedback to steer stable systems into switches and oscillators, in spite of uncertainties. The approach is based on dominance theory and differential dissipativity. We revisit those theories and we show how classical tools like root locus and Nyquist diagrams provide fundamental insights on the controller structure and on gain tuning for nonlinear control. Then we derive controllers in a systematic way, using linear matrix inequalities. This also enables the design of the dissipativity features of the closed-loop system, to tackle interconnections and uncertainties.
The seminar can be accessed following the link: https://zoom.us/j/92226434758?pwd=c1J3WWhHK3AyTkdxcUlHNzRsSmtDQT09
This talk is part of the CUED Control Group Seminars series.
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