University of Cambridge > > Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series > The fractal dimension of Liouville quantum gravity: monotonicity, universality, and bounds

The fractal dimension of Liouville quantum gravity: monotonicity, universality, and bounds

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RGMW06 - RGM follow up

We show that for each $\gamma \in (0,2)$, there is an exponent $d_\gamma > 2$, the ``fractal dimension of $\gamma$Liouville quantum gravity (LQG)”, which describes the ball volume growth exponent for certain random planar maps in the $\gamma$-LQG universality class, the graph-distance displacement exponent for random walk on these random planar maps, the exponent for the Liouville heat kernel, and exponents for various continuum approximations of $\gamma$-LQG distances such as Liouville graph distance and Liouville first passage percolation. This builds on work of Ding-Zeitouni-Zhang (2018). We also show that $d_\gamma$ is a continuous, strictly increasing function of $\gamma$ and prove upper and lower bounds for $d_\gamma$ which in some cases greatly improve on previously known bounds for the aforementioned exponents. For example, for $\gamma=\sqrt 2$ (which corresponds to spanning-tree weighted planar maps) our bounds give $3.4641 \leq d_{\sqrt 2} \leq 3.63299$ and in the limiting case we get $4.77485 \leq \lim_{\gamma\rightarrow 2^} d_\gamma \leq 4.89898$. Based on joint works with Jian Ding, Nina Holden, Tom Hutchcroft, Jason Miller, and Xin Sun.

This talk is part of the Isaac Newton Institute Seminar Series series.

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