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Trinity College Science Society ( TCSS ) is a student-run society that aims to provide a focal point for College members who are interested in science. We do this by organising a range of talks which are open to all, as well as some social events which are restricted to Trinity members. To receive emails about the events we run, join our mailing list. If you have a question about this list, please contact: Miroslava Novoveska; Trinity College Science Society; Sankalan Bhattacharyya; Yansheng Zhang; Irene Hou. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser. 0 upcoming talks and 245 talks in the archive. Quantum Devices with Graphene
The Alchemy of Vacuum
Ultrafast Dynamics with X-ray Eyes
What Does Serotonin Do?Annual TCSS Symposium 2021
Of Maggots and MemoryAnnual TCSS Symposium 2021
Reconfiguring Farmer Producer Supply Systems Through Digital PlatformsAnnual TCSS Symposium 2021
Moving Atoms for Energy-Efficient Data StorageAnnual TCSS Symposium 2021
Quantum Materials - The Quantum Dance of Electrons in SolidsAnnual TCSS Symposium 2021
How Do Doctors Make Decisions?Annual TCSS Symposium 2021
Watching Paint DryAnnual TCSS Symposium 2021
Generation COVID: A Longitudinal Insight into the Impact of the PandemicAnnual TCSS Symposium 2021
Dualities in Physics: A Philosopher’s ViewAnnual TCSS Symposium 2021
Neutrophil-Mediated Effects at the Blood Brain Barrier Following Chronic StressAnnual TCSS Symposium 2021
Atypical Neurogenesis in AutismAnnual TCSS Symposium 2021
Kirigami Engineering—Nanoscale Structures Exhibiting a Range of Controllable 3D ConfigurationsAnnual TCSS Symposium 2021
Tales from the Deep EarthAnnual TCSS Symposium 2021
Molecular Nanostructures with Unusual Electronic and Optical Properties
CRISPR Cas Genome Editors - from Bacteria to Biotech
Deducing the Fluid Dynamical Behaviour of Ancient Magma Bodies
The Unexpected Side of Entropy
Epigenetic Inheritance: What Is It and Why Is It Important?
Challenges in Designing New Batteries and Supercapacitators for a Low Carbon Economy
Quantum Chromodynamics: Quarks and Hadrons
TALK POSTPONED - Ineffective Responses to Unlikely Outbreaks: Hypothesis Building in Newly-Emerging Infectious Disease Outbreaks
Spider Webs and Silks
Coordination through Selection, Synchrony, and Sex
Shear Thickening in Dense Suspensions
Signalling and Selection in the Horned Dinosaurs
A Brief Introduction to Quasiparticles in Frustrated Magnets
Quantum Black Holes, Emergent Gravity, and the Dark Universe
The exoplanet revolutionPart of the TCSS Annual Symposium
Neutrophil transformation in cancerPart of the TCSS Annual Symposium
A non-perturbative method for gravitational potential calculations within heterogeneous and aspherical planetsPart of the TCSS Annual Symposium
The beauty of flavour at the Large Hadron ColliderPart of the TCSS Annual Symposium
Fluid dynamics of marine ice sheetsPart of the TCSS Annual Symposium
Explaining variations in responses to cannabis: molecular findings of CB1-5HT2A heteromers in humansPart of the TCSS Annual Symposium
3D displays in immersive technologiesPart of the TCSS Annual Symposium
Invasion of red blood cells by malariaPart of the TCSS Annual Symposium
The C theory of timePart of the TCSS Annual Symposium
Origins of genetics on the early EarthPart of the TCSS Annual Symposium
Cheating SchrödingerPart of the TCSS Annual Symposium
Studying human tissues with single-cell RNA-sequencing within the Human Cell Atlas consortiumPart of the TCSS Annual Symposium
Ab initio thermodynamics with the help of machine learningPart of the TCSS Annual Symposium
Natural Language and Artificial Intelligence
The Renormalisation Group
From Mars to the MultiverseAstronomer Royal
Development of petal nanoscale ridges that scatter light and influence animal behaviourDirector of Cambridge Botanic Garden
How electron cryomicroscopy is revolutionising structural biology2017 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
The Hows and Whys of Living in Groups: Perspectives from Birds and Apes
Can meaningful hope spring from revealing the depth of our climate failure?
Using Evidence to Impact Public PolicyFirst talk of the term
The theory-led hunt for extreme materials
Mendeleev's Gift to Everyone (including you and me)
(Periodic) Table Talk — the beginnings of the Periodic Table
Tales from the Table: Element facts and fictions
Virtual reality to facilitate multi-sensory molecular simulation and design: from quantum chemistry to ligand-protein binding
Looking ahead in the world of science1973 Nobel Prize in Physics
Documenting Endangered Languages: Experiences in Indonesia
Not even wrong
Re-entry vehicles for future space missions
Origins of Life Systems ChemistryFirst talk of the term
Green Great Britain: How can we lead the world in low-carbon growthActive Government Minister
Reprogramming Genetic Code
Climate Change: A Defining Challenge for the 21st CenturyPOSTPONED & VENUE CHANGE
Maths versus AI
Harnessing evolution for making new medicines2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Scalable Functional Nanocoatings for Technological and Societal ApplicationsFirst talk of term
Unification and Progress in Modern Theoretical PhysicsFormer Lucasian Professor
Life and death in an old enzyme: the ATP synthase1997 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Exoplanets, on the Hunt for Universal Life
Interacting with instabilities: Nonlinearity in structural engineering
The dangerous consequences of the decline of coral reefs
Trinity Life in Science and PoliticsCo-hosted with Trinity Politics Society
Speech rhythm: a metaphor?
Compound Interest: Communicating chemistry using infographicsFirst talk of term
Dr Patricia Kozik (LMB): Dendritic Cells and the Immune Response
Prof Kate Jones (UCL): Biodiversity & Conservation
Prof Kate Jones (UCL): Biodiversity & Conservation
Prof Chris Rapley (UCL): Polar Climates
Dr Michael Hastings: Circadian Rhythms
Prof Murray Shanahan: Artificial Intelligence
Dame Ottoline Leyser: Plant Development
Prof Stephen Belcher: Met Office Chief Scientist
Sir Paul Nurse: The Cell Cycle
Prof Steve Jones: Ecological Genetics
Organic Electronics & Science in Industry
Towards Greener Photochemistry
Seeing Is Believing: Using Neutron Scattering to Understand Behaviour in Polymeric Materials
Surviving Protein Quality Control Failure
CERN & Particle Physics
Saiful Islam (Bath): Green Energy Materials in 3D
The role of materials science in sustainable development
Present Chemistry
Where is my Nano-bot?
Life Before Fertilisation
Ultra-strong, light-weight conducting cables from carbon nanotubes
The Sex Life of Quarks, Gluons and the Higgs Boson
Gas Cylinder Vibration CharacterisationPart of the TCSS Symposium
Extremely Low Frequency meteor detectionPart of the TCSS Symposium
Quantum Optomechanics or The Science of Firmly Holding Stuff in Place with LightPart of the TCSS Symposium
Insights into human brain development, evolution and disease from stem cell systemsPart of the TCSS Symposium
Predefined or Random? Investigating the site of daughter centriole formation on the mother centriole using live two-colour fluorescence microscopy.Part of the TCSS Symposium
Ancient genome reveals continuity in East Asia over the last 9,000 yearsPart of the TCSS Symposium
Optical super-resolution microscopy for bacterial spore coat structure determinationPart of the TCSS Symposium
Next-generation computer-memory technology: crossover between physics, chemistry, materials science and engineeringPart of the TCSS Symposium
Polyester-based synthetic information oligomersPart of the TCSS Symposium
Microfluidic techniques to study the biophysics of nanoscale processesPart of the TCSS Symposium
Newton's Inheritance: Natural Science in Seventeenth-Century TrinityPart of the TCSS Symposium
Mathematical models of cellular locomotion
W.T. Tutte – Codebreaker and Mathematician
A core brain system in human intelligence
Maths, disease and the British landscape: informing UK government policy through epidemiological models
Bubbles and Bangs - How gases get out of magma and what happens when they don't
What quantum computers tell us about physics (even if no one ever builds one!)
Sustainable synergic reagents: Meeting 21st century challenges for metalating carbon atoms
Life at the Limits - Human Physiology at Extreme High Altitude
Heavy mice and lighter things: how chemistry gives insight into how biological tissues work
Colossus: The Greatest Secret in the History of Computing
A hundred years of visualizing molecules
Poking Brains: the Mechanics of Neural DevelopmentPart of the TCSS Symposium
The Quantum Measurement ProblemPart of the TCSS Symposium
Fragment-Based Drug Discovery of Potent and Selective CYP121 Inhibitors for TuberculosisPart of the TCSS Symposium
Finding Shared Causal Variants Between DiseasesPart of the TCSS Symposium
Exoplanets and the Nature of Other WorldsPart of the TCSS Symposium
The Not-So-Universal Genetic CodePart of the TCSS Symposium
Tunnelling and Imaginary Time:InstantonsPart of the TCSS Symposium
Teaching Computers to ReadPart of the TCSS Symposium
Trinity College Science Society Symposium 2015
A Computing Project that has been running for 50 yearsPart of the TCSS Symposium
Under the Volcano: Geological Fieldwork in East Greenland
Electronics to biology and back: mistakes I've made in my career so far
Protein Misfolding and Cancer: the Tumour Suppressor p53
Physics of the Everyday
CUSU Shadowing Scheme: Embarrassing Diseases
Lessons in Biology from Human Disease
Dipping an Academic Toe in the Commercial World
Ice and High Water - the Contribution of Polar Ice to Present and Future Sea-Level Rise
Exploring and Exploiting the RNA World in Plants and Animals
Life Beneath the Sea Floor; the Ins and Outs of Marine Mud from a Geochemical Perspective
Computing for the Future of the Planet
Physics in the Nervous System
Beyond the Higgs boson - the search for new physics at the LHC
Applied computational chemistry in organic synthesisPart of the TCSS Symposium
Calculating reaction rates: from Arrhenius to the presentPart of the TCSS Symposium
Quantum Chemical Games of LifePart of the TCSS Symposium
Galaxies Without Dark MatterPart of the TCSS Symposium
Fundamental Limits on Invertebrate VisionPart of the TCSS Symposium
Frontiers of GeothermobarometryPart of the TCSS Symposium
Modulating Mutagenesis in CancerPart of the TCSS Symposium
A Label-free Microfluidic Assay to study drug diffusion through lipid membranesPart of the TCSS Symposium
Nuclear Trafficking and Maxwell's DaemonPart of the TCSS Symposium
Trinity College Science Society 11th Annual Research Symposium
Generating order from chaos: harnessing noise and heterogeneity in the evolution of robust developmental patterning
Playing ping-pong with single electrons
Losing sleep over the spread of Alzheimer's disease
Tracking proteins inside cells
Chemical Looping Combustion: A Technology for the Clean Utilisation of Coal
New Insights into Famous Tsunamis
Much Ado About Nothing
Examples of Synergy Leading to Innovations in Materials Science
The Benefits of a Cambridge Education: John Henslow and the creation of Charles Darwin
Exhumation, Pathology and Genetics are Basic Ingredients to Reconstruct the Spanish Influenza of 1918
Network Biology: Insights into the organisation of biological systems at different scalesJoint event with BioSoc
Be careful what you wish for? A laboratory evolved H5N1 bird flu virus that can potentially transmit among humans
SPICE: Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering
Nuclear reprogrammingJoint event with BioSoc. Note unusual time and venue!
What can we learn from sequencing thousands of human genomes?
The Centenary of the Discovery of Cosmic Rays — The End of the Beginning
Computer Generated Holography — Towards the Holodeck
From the Nuts and Bolts of Synthetic Biology to Engineering New Genomes
Everything from Nothing, or How our Universe was Made
Development of the DNA Vaccine Against HIV/AIDS
Title to be confirmed
Reprogramming the Genetic Code (joint event with BioSoc)
The Apprenticeship of a Scientist
Zero Degrees of Empathy
Science and Non-science in UK Drug and Alcohol Policy
Decoding Genomes at High Speed
The Antibody Revolution: Turning Inventions Into Medicines and Companies
The Science of Invisibility
What Can a Simple Oil Droplet Teach Us About Life?
How Plants Grow: New Principles of Development from Live Imaging and Computational Modelling
Molecular Systems Architecture: from Complexity to Function
Replicating RNA with RNA
Dark Energy: A lot of fuss about nothing
The Bacterial Cytoskeleton
String Theory: A Unifying Principle in Theoretical Physics
Chasing Wild Chimpanzees: Forty Years of African Field Study
How do you *really* know what the temperature is?
How do we learn about life on Earth billions of years ago?
The Body's Daily Clock: Circadian cycles, Genes and Health
Title to be confirmed
Title to be confirmed
Cambridge University Biological Society Inherit the Wind - Free film screening!
Panel Discussion: Science and Politics
Communicating risk and uncertainty
Cambridge University Biological Society Life in the Universe: Chance or Necessity?
Title to be confirmed
The first colonisation of northern Europe: humans at Happisburgh 800,000 years ago
Cambridge University Biological Society Icons of evolution and charges of fraud
Quantum Theory: one world or many?
Cambridge University Biological Society Critical illness and the maladaptive forces of modern medicine
Levels of Explanation in Behavioural Sciences
The Cyborg Experiments
Modelling the evolution and spread of immune escape in HIV infections
Rejuvenation biotechnology: applying regenerative medicine to aging
Trinity Science Symposium
The Remarkable Accuracy of the Trinity College Clock
Systems Biology: What General Principles rule our Genes?
Can Computers Understand their own Programs?
Demystifying City Law Firms
"Do Animals make shopping lists?"
"Insights into the editorial process at Science"
"Burning Ice: Art, Science, and Climate Change"
Panel discussion on logic and mathematics
Panel discussion on philosphy and science
Panel discussion on Science and Technology
Cambridge University Biological Society The human genome as an RNA machine
Trinity College Science Society DNA Self-Assembly and Molecular Machinery
Trinity College Science Society Small silencing RNA - the dark matter of genetics
From strings to branes and beyond
Please see above for contact details for this list. |
Other listsCambridge Geotechnical Society Seminar Series International Humanitarian Law and the Changing Technology of War Desiring the Middle East Seminars at PembrokeOther talksSymplectic topology of K3 surfaces via mirror symmetry The Exposome in Epidemiological Practice Making Smart Decisions in Systems Design: How to Engineer Decisions in a Connected World? Far-infrared emission from AGN and why this changes everything Mechanistic model development to characterise drug effects on platelets over time in pharmaceutical research. Interconversion of Light and Electricity in Molecular Semiconductors Understanding mechanisms and targets of malaria immunity to advance vaccine development Mathematical applications of little string theory Atiyah Floer conjecture Vision Journal Club: feedforward vs back in figure ground segmentation The Digital Doctor: Hope, Hype, and Harm at the Dawn of Medicine’s Computer Age Predictive modeling of hydrogen assisted cracking – a Micromechanics conquest |