Leona Hope-Coles
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Name: | Leona Hope-Coles |
Affiliation: | University of Cambridge |
E-mail: | (only provided to users who are logged into talks.cam) |
Last login: | Thu Mar 06 09:45:24 +0000 2025 |
Public lists managed by Leona Hope-Coles
Talks given by Leona Hope-Coles
Obviously this only lists talks that are listed through talks.cam. Furthermore, this facility only works if the speaker's e-mail was specified in a talk. Most talks have not done this.
Talks organised by Leona Hope-Coles
This list is based on what was entered into the 'organiser' field in a talk. It may not mean that Leona Hope-Coles actually organised the talk, they may have been responsible only for entering the talk into the talks.cam system.
- 2025 Scott Lectures - Quantum science with atom-like systems in diamond
- 2025 Scott Lectures - Exploring quantum computing frontier with programmable atom arrays
- 2025 Scott Lectures - Lecture 1 New field of quantum science and engineering
- Radio Cosmology — a new window on the Universe"
- Mapping the Universe at 21 cm
- Dark Ages, Cosmic Dawn and the Epoch of Re-ionization: unveiling the mysteries of the infant universe with experimental radio cosmology
- “Multi-survey cosmology: opportunities in the systematics-limited regime”
- Interpretable Machine Learning for Science
- Cosmology with photometry galaxy surveys: from precision to accuracy
- "Black Hole Physics Meets Gravitational Wave Data"
- "Data-driven exploration beyond the Standard Model of particle physics"
- “Getting a flavour for New Physics at LHCb”
- "Nested sampling: powering the next-generation of Bayesian inference tools for cosmology, particle physics and beyond"
- "On Modelling Complex Systems in Astronomy"
- “Machine Learning and Gravitational Waves”.
- "Image analysis: from particle physics to cancer research"
- "Exploring the frontiers of physics at the LHC and beyond”
- “Probing Standard Model and Beyond Standard Model Couplings in Higgs Boson Decays to Bottom Quarks”
- Title to be confirmed
- “Getting a flavour for New Physics at LHCb”
- “Quantum Tops: probing the fundamentals of nature with its heaviest particle”.
- "Rare beauty: in search of new physics at the LHCb experiment”.
- In Search for the Next Magic Stone
- The physics of how humans build models of the world
- To see a world in a grain of sand
- Topological pumping in new territory
- Cavendish Physical Society Lecture - title tbc
- Cavendish Physical Society Lecture - title tbc
- New Physics in Driven Quantum Materials
- Neutron scattering studies of quantum magnets’"
- : "Topological Solitons for Quantum Operations"
- Physical models to predict the evolution of viruses and bacteria
- Looking for signatures of quantum entanglement: spin liquids at finite temperature
- ’Seeing early cancer in a new light’
- Title to be confirmed
- Hidden structures in a model of many-body quantum chaos
- Space photovoltaics challenges: fundamental to applied
- 'Exactly what is Computational Multiphysics?'
- GAPSTI Lectureship in Medical Therapeutics - candidates seminars
- From dark matter to beauty: the hunt for new physics at the LHC
- Title to be confirmed
- A symmetry called CP
- B physics: the next generation
- Searching for signs of new physics with rare beauty decays
- Looking Forward: Exploring Nature with Precision Measurements at LHCb
- Searching for New Physics in rare B decays at LHCb
- Presentations by candidates for the Departmental Communications Manager position - Day 2
- Presentations by candidates for the Departmental Communications Manager position - Day 1
- "Diffuse interface methods and conservative mesh-adaptation: how to combine their potential for highly accurate multiphysic simulations?"
- Seminars by the candidates for the GAPSTI Lectureship in Scientific Computing
- Scott Lecture II : Exoplanets, Copernicus’ revolution on the move
- Scott Lecture I : Exoplanets, Copernicus’ revolution on the move
- Seminars by the candidates for the Harding Lectureships
- Seminars by the candidates for the Harding Lectureships
- Scott Lecture III : Beyond Statistical Mechanics - Probing Quantum Matter out of Equilibrium
- Scott Lecture II : Realizing and Probing Topological Matter using Ultracold Quantum Gases
- Scott Lecture I : Controlling and Exploring Quantum Matter using Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices
- Seminars by the candidates for the Quantum Devices & Measurements Lectureship
- Seminars by the candidates for the lectureship in High Energy Physics
- Seminars by the candidates for the lectureship in High Energy Physics (fixed term)
- A physicist's spin on data science
- Sir Martin Wood Prize Lecture "Measurement and Control of the Phase of an Electron Wave"
- A physicists perspective on osteoarthritis: From hydration lubrication to gene regulation
- No Physicist is an Island: Looking for TeV Physics in a peV Transition
- "Dark Matter (at the LHC and other experiments)"
- Scott Lecture II: Making of Sustainable Smart Society by Transformative Electronics 2 - Future Electronics
- Scott Lecture I: Making of Sustainable Smart Society by Transformative Electronics 1 - Blue LED Story
- Title to be confirmed
- Photo-induced superconductivity and other stories
- “Topology in materials science”
- Tipping Points & Crises From statistical physics to social sciences
- Candidates Seminar for the Lectureship in Experimental Quantum Condensed Matter Physics
- Candidates Seminars for the Lectureship in Biological Physics
- Candidates Seminars for the Lectureship in Biological Physics
- Candidates Seminars for the Lectureship in High Energy Physics
- Candidates Seminars for the Lectureship in Functional Materials/Electrochemistry
- More Diversity = Better Science: International Women’s Day 2017
- Candidates Seminars for the Lectureship in Quantum Complexity
- Visualizing Quantum Matter
- Searching for – and finding! gravitational waves
- The Odyssey of Galaxies throughout the Cosmic Epochs
- Scott Lecture III - What, Where. … and How? The future of the LHC and beyond.
- Scott Lecture II - These are a few of my favorite Things: Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings.
- Scott Lecture I - You may find yourself with a beautiful Higgs Boson and 6 beautiful quarks, and you may ask yourself – Well… How did I get here?
- Kinetic challenges in solar energy conversion
- Comets, Rosetta and the origin of the solar system
- 'Changing the character of characterisation; a physical approach to understanding the thermomechanical properties of polymers and polymer bonded composites'
- New Approaches for Studying the Physics of Challenging Materials
- New Approaches for Studying the Physics of Challenging Materials
- "Expanding the Capability Envelope of Instrumented Indentation using Finite Element Method Modelling"
- Shock Compression of Inhomogeneous Materials
- "The particulars of particulates".
- Polymer models of cellular nucleus dynamics
- The Different Angles of Cell and Tissue Polarity
- Tradeoffs between fast growth and adaptability shape microbial phenotypes
- Quantitative Evolutionary Dynamics
- The biosynthetic basis of budding yeast cell size control
- Spying on the inner workings of cells with super-resolution microscopy
- Cell shape and dynamics in biological development
- "Probabilistic Language in Quantum Field Theory"
- Thermodynamics beyond equilibrium -- the physics of periodically driven quantum systems"
- Scott Lecture III - On the Unreasonable Effectiveness of post-Newtonian Theory in Gravitational Physics
- Scott Lecture II - The Cosmic Barber: Counting Gravitational Hair in the Solar System and Beyond
- Scott Lecture I - Was Einstein Right? A Centennial Assessment
- Manipulating quantum fluids of light in semiconductor microcavities
- New Photovoltaic and Plasmonic Avenues to Amplify Light Matter Interaction at the Atomic Scale
- More is different - Quantum Many-Body physics in Optical Lattices
- Copper Indium Sulphide Colloidal Quantum dots
- Design and Applications of Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers in Imaging and Sensing
- Searching for EWK SUSY at ATLAS
- Thermoelectric signatures of topological media
- Beautiful CP Violation: Looking for cracks in the Standard Model
- Light-matter interaction in complex dielectric media
- Geological materials under extreme conditions
- “Light and colour: experiments and theory”
- New directions in liquid crystals
- Terahertz Science and Technology – from challenges to opportunities
- Fractionalised excitations in spin ice materials
- Hierarchically structured semiconductors for solar-driven water splitting applications
- Light-Matter Interactions in Semiconductors: An Endless Playground for Fundamental Physics
- Advanced light-matter interactions in optofluidic waveguides
- Meta-chiroptical effects: a new twist on a fundamental concept
- Quantum electronics with carbon nanotubes
- Functional Energy Materials
- Konstantinos G. Lagoudakis [k.g.lagoudakis@gmail.com]
- High magnetic fields as a tool for discovery
- The Early History of the Cavendish Laboratory
- ATLAS, silicon detectors, and long-lived particles
- Search for Dark Matter with ATLAS
- Probing New Physics & the Standard Model with Neutrinos
- Searching in the Dark with Hadron Colliders
- Findings in a heartbeat
- "Seeking discoveries with hadronic jets at the LHC".
- Seeking discoveries with hadronic jets at the LHC
- Moving flavour physics forward
- Exploring the building blocks of matter with leptons
- Metallic non-local spin transport at the nanoscale
- Diffusion and Assembly of Bacterial Nanomotors
- Emergence of a novel correlated-electron metal in a 2D electron gas
- Title to be confirmed
- Control of Cavity Polaritons
- Soft Solids: Elastic Instability, Morphogenesis, and Rubbery Crystals
- "Searching for Dark Matter with ATLAS"
- Hunting for Extra Dimensions and Black Holes at the LHC
- Can Quantum Optics serve astronomy?
- Pulsars: precision tools for understanding the Universe
- Higgs Vortices and Black Hole Hair
- Scott Lecture III : Rydberg atoms in interaction : a new kind of quantum matter.
- Ultracold atoms in optical lattices – a versatile quantum simulator for many-body physics
- Scott Lecture II : Counting and controlling photons non-destructively.
- Title to be confirmed
- Exploring Many-Body Quantum Physics with Ultracold Atoms
- Harnessing cold atoms to empower quantum technologies
- Scott Lecture I : Juggling with photons in a box and raising Schrödinger cats of radiation
- Molecular Motors and Switches at Surfaces
- Photonic topological insulators and pseudomagnetism
- High spin at low temperatures
- Harnessing cold atoms to empower quantum technologies
- Chasing the Eighteenth Digit: Exploring the Limits of Timekeeping
- Quantum experiments exploiting the radiation pressure interaction between light and matter
- Improving cancer survival through molecular imaging
- Soft Matter in Motion
- Special Cavendish Physical Society Lecture : Making Experimental Physics Bite: James Clerk Maxwell and the founding of the Cavendish Laboratory
- Cosmic Reionization
- Title to be confirmed
- "Exploring Flatland with Cold Atoms"
- Topological Matter and Why You Should Be Interested
- Parton Distributions in the Higgs Boson Era
- QCD : an analytical approach.
- Perturbative tools in the LHC era
- Precision physics: the road to discoveries at the LHC
- Event simulation for collider experiments at unprecedented precision
- The Two Conflicting Narratives of Metal-Optics; aka Plasmonics
- Energy Efficient Electronics; Searching for the milli-Volt Switch
- Electric field induced ferromagnetic phase transition in semiconductors and metals
- The Opto-Electronic Physics Which Just Broke the Efficiency Record in Solar Cells
- Exoplanet Science, the way forward
- The Infinity Puzzle - The story of the Higgs Boson:From QED to the LHC via Higgs and the Gang of Six
- Tailoring properties of complex oxides, one atomic layer at a time
- "Fundamental BioPhotonics"
- CMS Results and the Quest for the Higgs Boson
- Physics of Novel Materials
- Metamaterials and the Science of Invisibility
- Controlling the magnetic state with electricity
- Superconducting Spintronics: a tantalizing possibility for dissipation-free logic
- Non-radiative processes in organic semiconductors"
- Title: Optical IR investigation and control of molecular nanosystems
- Non-radiative processes in organic semiconductors"
- “The Evolution of High-Frequency Radio Astronomy”
- New observations in flavour physics and their implications Beyond the Standard Model
- Bayesian inference and machine learning in cosmology and particle physics
- “Precision Mass Measurement: ωcyclotron is not qB/m, does E=mc2?”
- "Coherent Control of Electronic and Nuclear States in a Quantum Dot: A New Dimension for Modern Photonics"
- Two Centenaries - the Wilson Cloud Chamber and the Discovery of Cosmic Rays”
- Noise and signal integration in cell cycle control
- Probing Structure and Mechanics: from Nanoscopic Virus Squeezers up to Cell/System-Sized Beds of Nails
- The Physics of Bacterial Biofilms
- Synchronisation of eukaryotic flagella
- Molecular imaging of cancer: understanding chemotherapy response and resistance.
- Terahertz wave detection based on low-dimensional electron
- Biotechnology and biophysical phenotypes: the physics of pluripotency and differentiation
- The End of the Standard Model & the Last Particle?
- Metadynamics
- Ab-initio simulation of water and its ions
- Colouring the Noise
- Graphene: Materials in the Flatland
- The Polariton Condensate in Semiconductor Microcavities
- Do biological cells care about physics?
- Polymer Solar Cells
- Towards a new paradigm for early-type galaxies.
- Following Function in Real Time: Towards the Next Generation of Batteries, Supercapacitors and Fuel Cells for Transport and Grid Applications
- Building planets and the ingredients for life between the stars
- Dynamics of soft interfaces, real and imagined
- Dynamics of soft interfaces, real and imagined
- Flavour Physics at the Large Hadron Collider
- Scott Lecture III - Quantum Interference
- Scott Lecture II - Quantum Interference
- Scott Lecture I - Quantum Interference
- Cosmology and fundamental physics with the Square Kilometre Array
- Molecular Soup* with a twist : from Displays to Lasers for Holography (*Self-Organised Uniaxial Photonics)
- Insight into the synthesis and processing of narrow band gap organic semiconducting polymers for solar cell fabricationTitle to be confirmed
- The 2010 CU Canon Foundation Lecture : Creative tensions between science and technology
- How English Libel Law Threatens Science
- Charge transport in molecular semiconductors – Bloch electron or hopping transport ?
- The Dicke Quantum Phase Transition and Supersolidity
- Lectureship Seminars
- Informal Meeting on Oxide Heterostructures
- Paths to Discovery in Radio Astronomy – Prediction and Serendipity
- Paths to Discovery in Radio Astronomy - Prediction and Serendipity
- Harnessing the Interactions of Ultrasound Waves and Acoustic Cavitation With Biological Tissue for Non-Invasive Therapy and Drug Delivery
- The Dynamics of Observing and Controlling Epilepsy and Parkinson's Disease
- Gravitational-Wave Detectors Below 10Hz: LISA, Pulsar Timing Arrays, CMB Polarization, Atom Interferometers, and the Big Bang Observer
- Gravitational-Wave Detectors above 10Hz: Weber Bars, LIGO, GEO, VIRGO, TAMA, LCGT, and Einstein Telescope
- Gravitational Waves: A New Window onto the Universe
- Music, Architecture and Acoustics in Renaissance Venice: Recreating Lost Soundscapes
- Music, Architecture and Acoustics in Renaissance Venice: Recreating Lost Soundscapes
- Dirac's Dream - the Continuing Quest for the Magnetic Monopole
- High-Temperature Superconductors: From Broken Symmetries to the Power Grid
- Title to be confirmed
- 'Climate Change: the science behind the headlines'
- Synthetic structures and machines from DNA
- Emergent Phenomena in the Control Age
- The deep structure of the proton ...... and why it matters!
- Electromagnetic surfaces from butterflies to battleships
- Sir Brian Pippard Memorial Meeting
- Physics and Complexity : Examples
- Physics and Complexity : Methodologies
- Physics and Complexity : An Overview
- Title to be confirmed
- The ATLAS Experiment Entering Operation: Overview, Motivation and Status of the Project
- Emerging Concepts in Particle and Photon Beams
- Mesoscale imaging in disordered systems: soft matter physics in hard matter
- “Nuclear and Solar Power for sustainable Energy resource – a new paradigm for conserving the ecological balance”
- Inaugural Lecture: "Blink, and you miss it"
- Lord Rayleigh's Legacy
- Title to be confirmed
- Virtual Cosmology with Superfluid 3He
- Quantum optics in mesoscopic systems
- Title to be confirmed
- Title to be confirmed
- Quarks and their quirks
- The Discovery and Early Development of X-Ray Crystallography
- Cosmology for Physicists - Why You Should Take Inflation Seriously
- Bose Einstein Condensation of Polaritons
- A Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice: cold atomic gases meet solid state physics
- A Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice: cold atomic gases meet solid state physics
- Optics with laser-like atom waves
- Almost Absolute Zero: the story of laser cooling and trapping
- Relationships between Structure, Dynamics and Catalytic Activity at Solid Surfaces
- Fred Hoyle: discovery and conflict in astrophyiscs and cosmology
- To be confirmed
- New Ideas in Particle Physics and Cosmology. Diquarks: Reforming Hadron Spectroscopy
- New Ideas in Particle Physics and Cosmology. Dark Matters: WIMPs and Axions
- New Ideas in Particle Physics and Cosmology: Unification, Supersymmetry, and the Family Problem
- Unification, Supersymmetry, and the Family Problem