University of Cambridge > > Ecology Lunchtime Series > CUCHI 2007: Twelve 3rd year Natscis learn about conservation science in the Chilean Lake District

CUCHI 2007: Twelve 3rd year Natscis learn about conservation science in the Chilean Lake District

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Holly Barclay.

Twelve 3rd year Natural Scientists took the initiative of organising an expedition to Chile. Together with the Chilean NGO Parques Para Chile, they designed a three week course entitled:

“An introduction to conservation science for Cambridge Natural Scientists”.

This international collaboration was the first student initiative of its kind where the NGO and students from Cambridge University linked objectives for the expedition to take place.

This expedition was a wonderful experience for all involved and we would like to share it with you all, as well as introduce our plans for CUCHI 2008 .

Please come along to find out more!

If you can’t make the talk but are interested in the expedition, please e-mail Claire at

This talk is part of the Ecology Lunchtime Series series.

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