University of Cambridge > > Adrian Seminars in Neuroscience > "Circular Inference in schizophrenia...and all of us"

"Circular Inference in schizophrenia...and all of us"

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Lyn Dakin.

Schizophrenia is a complex and heterogeneous mental disorder, whose neuropathology started being understood only recently. However, since the time of Kraepelin and Bleuler, much information has been accumulated on behavioural abnormalities usually encountered in schizophrenia patients. Despite recent progress, how the latter is caused by the former still remains debated. Here we argue that Circular Inference, a computational framework proposed as a potential explanation for various schizophrenia symptoms, could help closing this gap. Based on Marr’s three levels of analysis, we discuss how impairments in local and more global neural circuits could generate aberrant beliefs, with far-ranging consequences from probabilistic decision making to high-level visual perception in conditions of ambiguity. Interestingly, the Circular Inference Framework appears compatible with a variety of pathophysiological theories of schizophrenia while being able to simulate behavioral symptoms.

This talk is part of the Adrian Seminars in Neuroscience series.

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