University of Cambridge > > AMOP list > Bosons in synthetic gauge fields: Dynamics and probing edge states

Bosons in synthetic gauge fields: Dynamics and probing edge states

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In recent years, there have been considerable experimental advances in creating synthetic gauge fields and spin orbit coupling using optical dressing techniques in systems of ultracold atoms. Such advances pave the way to the realisation of quantum Hall and topologically insulating states in ultracold gases as well as states which have no counterpart in the solid state. A hallmark feature of such topological states is the existence of edge modes. However, as bosons tend to condense, the these edge modes are typically irrelevant for near-equilibrium behaviour. I will discuss a protocol to coherently populate the edge states through a dynamical instability. Time permitting, in the remainder of the talk I will present results on the quantum dynamics of spinor condensates in tight traps

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