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University of Cambridge > Talks.cam > Optoelectronics Group > Low-Temperature Solution-Processed Metal-Oxide Semiconducting Heterostructures for Large-Area Electronics: A Facile Approach Towards Charge-Transport Enhancement
![]() Low-Temperature Solution-Processed Metal-Oxide Semiconducting Heterostructures for Large-Area Electronics: A Facile Approach Towards Charge-Transport EnhancementAdd to your list(s) Download to your calendar using vCal
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Stuart Higgins. Large-area electronics represent an emerging technology for applications in a wide range of novel, unconventional forms of electronic systems applicable to every corner of our daily life. At the heart of this technology it relies on the use of specially formulated functional inks/precursor formulations that can be processed using scalable techniques onto large-area substrates forming these functional systems. However, owing to the relatively low performance associated solution-processed large-area devices and systems, the development of advanced materials and/or novel device concepts with enhanced performance characteristics, is urgently needed. In this talk I will focus on my recent work on the development and application of solutionprocessable metal oxide materials and is divided into two parts. In the first part I will discuss the development of solution-processed low-dimensional oxide heterostructures and superlattices as a way to enhance electron transport and their subsequent application in highperformance thin-film transistors.[1] The low dimensional nature of these easy-to-grow metal oxide layers also opens the door to a wide range of interesting physical phenomena, which will be the subject of the second part of my talk.[2] In particular, I’ll introduce the energy quantisation phenomena observed in some of these solution-processed metal oxide systems and their exploitation in large-area quantum-effect devices such as resonant tunneling diodes.[3] Use of these low-dimensional transistors as a unique test-bed for the study of molecular doping, will also be discussed.[4] Finally, the use of high-mobility oxide heterointerface transistors for opto-electronic applications will be briefly introduced.[5] [1] Y.-H. Lin, H. Faber, J. G. Labram, E. Stratakis, L. Sygellou, E. Kymakis, N. A. Hastas, R. Li, K. Zhao, A. Amassian, N. D. Treat, M. McLachlan, T. D. Anthopoulos, Adv. Sci. 2015, 2, 1500058. [2] J. G. Labram, Y.-H. Lin, T. D. Anthopoulos, Small 2015, 5472. [3] J. G. Labram, Y.-H. Lin, K. Zhao, R. Li, S. R. Thomas, J. Semple, M. Androulidaki, L. Sygellou, M. McLachlan, E. Stratakis, A. Amassian, T. D. Anthopoulos, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2015, 25, 1727. [4] S. P. Schießl, H. Faber, Y.-H. Lin, S. Rossbauer, Q. Wang, K. Zhao, A. Amassian, J. Zaumseil, T. D. Anthopoulos, Adv. Mater. 2015, DOI : 10.1002/adma.201503200. [5] M. Ullah, Y.-H. Lin, K. Muhieddine, S.-C. Lo, T. D. Anthopoulos, E. B. Namdas, Adv. Opt. Mater. 2015, DOI : 10.1002/adom.201500474. This talk is part of the Optoelectronics Group series. This talk is included in these lists:
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