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Dipolar QED: an alternative paradigm for quantum optics, sensors, and non-equilibrium dynamics

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In dipolar QED (dQED) the effect of neighbouring dipoles dominate the interaction between an emitter and the electromagnetic field (similar to the effect of a cavity in cavity QED ). The strong coupling regime of dQED is characterised by the hopping of excitations (photons) between dipoles and for regular arrays maps onto a XY spin model [1]. The hopping of virtual photons can also be detected as a level shift which for an ensemble is referred to as the N atom Lamb shift. In terms of applications, by mixing optical and microwave dipoles in the dQED regime it is possible to realise large single photon non-linearities [3] and detect weak fields by inducing a phase transition [4].

[1] Barredo et al, [2] Keaveney et al, [3] Maxwell et al, [4] Carr et al,

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