University of Cambridge > > Pedagogy, Language, Arts & Culture in Education (PLACE) Group Seminars > Can Educational Research Ever Justify Imposing Teaching Methods?

Can Educational Research Ever Justify Imposing Teaching Methods?

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Andrew Davis

Some theoretical issues about how we classify teaching approaches, and the implications for research into their effectiveness. The implications of these reflections for an appropriate relationship between such research and classroom practice. Synthetic Phonics as one example.

David Aldridge

So, in light of the considerable complexity of educational situations, what are the possibilities for research-informed practice? What kind of generalisations can be made about teaching approaches and can any sort of practice be identified as successful and transferred across different teaching contexts?

Andrew Davis is Honorary Research Fellow at Durham University. He is the author of “To Read or not to Read: decoding Synthetic Phonics” and “A Monstrous Regimen of Synthetic Phonics: Fantasies of Research-Based Teaching ‘Methods’ Versus Real Teaching”. Other publications include “The Limits of Educational Assessment” and “New Philosophies of Learning”.

David Aldridge is Principal Lecturer in Philosophy of Education at Oxford Brookes University. He writes from a contintental/hermeneutical perspective on a variety of educational themes including religious education and research in the social sciences. He is the author of extensive blogs about how educational research should relate to practice. These blogs have stimulated widespread interest and response. His “How Ought War to be Remembered in Schools” was recently published in PESGB ’s Impact series.

This talk is part of the Pedagogy, Language, Arts & Culture in Education (PLACE) Group Seminars series.

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