University of Cambridge > > Irregular seminars in TCM > Marginal Fermi liquid behaviour and competing orders with topological characteristics in bilayer graphene.

Marginal Fermi liquid behaviour and competing orders with topological characteristics in bilayer graphene.

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Jonathan Keeling.

I will provide a brief overview of my recent research (with Leonid Levitov) on the effects of electron-electron interactions in bilayer graphene (BLG). I will show using a renormalisation group approach that BLG behaves at leading order as a marginal fermi liquid, and I will discuss the possible experimental signatures. I will then show that at lower temperatures BLG displays a weak coupling instability to various broken symmetry ordered phases, which may be investigated in a saddle point plus quadratic fluctuations approach. I will illustrate how these phases may be classified using a hidden SU(4) symmetry, and will point out that they have topological characteristics. I will conclude with proposing a phase diagram for BLG .


R. Nandkishore and L. Levitov, arXiv: 1006.1136, Phys Rev. Lett 104, 156803, arXiv: 1002.1966

This talk is part of the Irregular seminars in TCM series.

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