University of Cambridge > > Biophysical Seminars > Disposable Chiral Plasmonics for Sensing

Disposable Chiral Plasmonics for Sensing

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Alyssa Miller.

Since Tang and Cohen’s demonstration of superchiral electromagnetic near fields, the plasmonics/metamaterial community have keen to understand such fields when excited using metallic nanostructures and to explore their applications in a variety of disciplines. Over the past 10 years, I have been involved in some of this work where our focus lay on the ability to use such fields to detect structural properties of biomolecules using plasmon resonance changes. Recently, we have been able to implement similar concepts to perform surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) that is sensitive to chirality, enabling a unique new way of enantiospecific recognition. In my talk, I will summarise our developments with chiral plasmonic sensing followed by its applications in multiplexed biosensing and SERS detection of enantiomers using similar principles and sensing substrates.

This talk is part of the Biophysical Seminars series.

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