University of Cambridge > > Irregular seminars in TCM > Kinetics and Bose-Einstein condensation of parametrically driven magnons at RT.

Kinetics and Bose-Einstein condensation of parametrically driven magnons at RT.

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Jonathan Keeling.

A gas of bosons can undergo Bose-Einstein condensation even at relatively high temperatures, if the flow rate of energy, pumped into the system, is high enough. Following this approach we investigated at room temperature magnons in an yttrium iron garnet film, which are driven by microwave pumping. We show that for low pumping powers a quasi-equilibrium magnon distribution described by the Bose-Einstein statistics with a non-zero chemical potential is formed. For higher pumping powers we observed Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons and detected a spontaneous emergence of coherence in the condensate. We studied the kinetics of pumped magnons with simultaneous resolution with respect to the wave vectors and frequencies, as well as processes of magnon thermalization leading to the condensation.

This talk is part of the Irregular seminars in TCM series.

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