University of Cambridge > > Theory - Chemistry Research Interest Group > Energy Landscape of Hybrid Restraint Functions Based on NMR Data

Energy Landscape of Hybrid Restraint Functions Based on NMR Data

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Lisa Masters.

1st Year PhD Report. Join Zoom meeting Meeting ID: 998 6244 1719 Passcode: 373295

NMR measurements provide various observables (e.g. chemical shifts, dipolar coupling, and bond orientation), from which the protein structures may be predicted. Calculating these observables as a function of molecular geometry, combined with an appropriately weighted atomistic empirical force field will give hybrid potentials. Sampling of such potentials will give conformations that are compatible with the experiments. The efficiency of structure prediction will thus be enhanced by excluding incompatible configuration space. Hybrid potentials are also capable of correcting systematic errors introduced by the underlying empirical force field. The application involves protein E of SARS -CoV-2, sarcolipin, and phospholamban.

This talk is part of the Theory - Chemistry Research Interest Group series.

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