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Lecture series in the Department of Psychology. Most talks are recorded at the time and are subsequently available on the Zangwill Club’s Youtube channel. If you have a question about this list, please contact: John Mollon; Professor Nicola Clayton; Sara Seddon. If you have a question about a specific talk, click on that talk to find its organiser. 3 upcoming talks and 394 talks in the archive. What can conjuring tell us about cognition? The future of the Science of MagicThe host for this talk is Clive Wilkins
Insights into the Genetic Architecture of Neurodevelopmental Conditions and Traits from Large CohortsThe host for this talk is Varun Warrier
Bilingualism Promotes Healthy and Youthful Brains.The host for this talk is Mirjana Bozic
Episodic Cognition in Cephalopod MolluscsThe host for this talk is Nicky Clayton
Cognitive deficits after COVID-19 – insights from large scale online studiesThe host for this talk is Tristan Bekinschtein
From Neural Criterial Causation to a Premotor Theory of Human ImaginationThe host for this talk is Tristan Bekinschtein
Deconstruction of the social brainThe host for this talk is Richard Bethlehem
Intergenerational transmission of neurodevelopmental and psychiatric traits and conditionsThe host for this talk is Varun Warrier
The Atomic HumanThe host for this talk is Nicky Clayton
Tales of Traumatic Stress in High-Risk Populations in the Global South: From Epidemiological to Genomic and Epigenomic InsightsThe host for this talk is Larysa Zasiekina
Large-scale integration of perceptual and predictive information is encoded by non-oscillatory neural dynamics.The host for this talk is Jeff Dalley
Visual Perspective Biases Autobiographical RememberingThe host for this talk is Deborah Talmi
The Cognitive Biology of LanguageThe host for this talk is Jeff Dalley
Translational neuroimaging studies of addiction and other stress-related disorders
Neurocognitive ageing within the Lothian Birth Cohorts
Face Learning in People with Developmental Prosopagnosia and “Super-Recognisers"
The role of affective relevance in emotion, attention, and memoryThe host for this talk is Deborah Talmi
Investigating cortico-cortical plasticity in motor brain control regions in young and older adults.The host for this talk is Trevor Robbins
Psychological Inoculation Against Misinformation
Cortical interneurons in health and disease.The host for this talk is Jeff Dalley
Identifying the nature, causes and consequences of youth depression trajectories in population cohortsThe host for this talk is Varun Warrier
When Art meets PsychologyThe host for this talk is Nicky Clayton
What Cephalopods Might Reveal About the Evolution of CognitionThe host for this talk is Clive Wilkins
Pathways forward from psychiatric geneticsThe host for this talk is Varun Warrier
How Electrophysiological Rhythms Shape LanguageThe host for this talk is Kanad Mandke
Exploring cognition across cultures: Insights for testing world-wide navigationThe host for this talk is Deborah Talmi
The Prenatal Sex Steroid Theory of Autism
Expanding neurobiological models of adolescence - threat learning, extinction and cortical plasticityThe host for this talk is Amy Milton
Representation and computation in visual working memory
Cortical gradients of functional integrationThe host for this talk is Richard Bethlehem
Internal selective attention under the microsaccade scopeThe host for this talk is Paul Bays
Decoding the neural processing of speechThe host for this talk is Usha Goswami
Distributed brain network activities in memory resilient to extinctionThe host for this talk is David Belin
Chrysippus' dog and the origins of modal concepts
The DNA revolution and psychology
What the science of reading can contribute to the history of writing, and vice versa
Choice under Computational ComplexityThe host for this talk is Lee De-Wit
Feedforward and feedback interactions during prediction and attentionThe hosts for this talk are Tristan Bekinschtein and Andrés Canales-Johnson
Dynamic algorithmic networks of visual categorisations
The Neuroscience of Reading: Tracing words from the page through the brain
Inflammation, brain networks and mental health: some questions of causalityThe host for this talk is Sarah-Jayne Blakemore
Distributed brain network activities in memory resilient to extinctionTHIS TALK HAS BEEN CANCELLED OWING TO THE RAIL STRIKE
Nudge+: how to incorporate reflection into behavioural public policyThe host for this talk is Lee De-Wit
Reconsolidation-based treatments for mental health disorders: are we nearly there yet?
Brain charts for the human lifespan.
Disruption of Information in Working MemoryThe host for this talk is Deborah Talmi
Can you see what I hear? The effects of early blindness on auditory processing
Quality and Location: a view from somatosensation
Lessons from genetic studies of Major Depressive Disorder
Insights into cortical organisation and neurodevelopment from a genome wide association study (GWAS) of 2,347 structural cortical phenotypesThe host for this talk is Simon Baron-Cohen (sb205@cam.ac.uk)
Plastic brains for flexible decisions
What kind of network is the brain?
Changes in Appetitive Associative Strength and Reward Value Modulate the Intrinsic Excitability and Recruitment of Nucleus Accumbens Neuronal Ensembles
Investigating how schizophrenia risk genes impact brain function and cognition
Trials and Tribulations: the challenges of promoting sustainable improvements in child development
Mental health and well-being in the time of Covid-19
Clinical neuroscience and the heart: How cardiac signals influence emotion and cognition
A framework for studying the neurobiology of female choice and group cohesion in a social songbird.
Reproducibility and transparency indicators across diverse scientific fields
Individual Differences in (Dietary) Decision Making and Its Control: Connecting the Brain and Gut to Improve our Understanding of Behavior
Reading Scenes: A Hierarchical View on Attentional Guidance in Real-World Environments
Developmental visuospatial disorder: New advances in its research
The neural circuit underlying perceptual expectations
What does magic tell us about free will?
Time perception as accumulation of salient events
Can we nudge to zero? Promises and pitfalls of behavioural insights-based climate policies
Human action selection under threat: computing adaptive behaviour
Some lessons one philosopher drew from thinking about wanting and liking
Hippocampal LTP and Psychiatry: The Prime Suspect
Modulation Of Attention By Ascending Projections
Data-driven versus Hypothesis-driven approaches in cognitive neuroscience
Losing Touch With Your Body: Clinical and Experimentally-Induced States of Body Disownership
Individual Differences In Fear Attenuation And Social Transfer Of Knowledge
Brain Dynamics and Flexible Behaviors
Rethinking food reward
An auditory thread: music, sleep, brain stimulation, and neuroplasticity
Nocturnal dreaming: A replica or a distortion of waking life experiences?
Being an I: Cognitive and Neurobiological processes of “Self” models
The ties that bind: Investigating the links between reward and mimicry to understand autism
- Towards a Translational Neuroscience of Consciousness
[NEW DATE:11th of December] Old wine in new skins: a fresh look at cognitive control developmentPlease note, this talk will start at 4.15pm for virtual tea with talk starting at 4.30pm
Non-racism and Toxic Interaction Theory in Mental Health Practice: Professional responsibility in the light of systemic racismPlease note, this talk will start at 4.15pm for virtual tea with talk starting at 4.30pm
Recent insights into remote fear memory attenuationPlease note, this talk will start at 4.15pm for virtual tea with talk starting at 4.30pm
Role of medial prefrontal cortex serotonin 2A receptors in recognition memory in rodentsPlease note, this talk will start at 4.15pm for virtual tea with talk starting at 4.30pm
Black Racial Stereotypes and Victim Blaming: Implications for Media Coverage and Criminal Proceedings in Cases of Police Violence against Racial and Ethnic MinoritiesPlease note, this talk will start at 4.15pm for virtual tea with talk starting at 4.30pm
This talk happens earlier this week. in a shared event between Zangwill and SPSS.
How is Human Social Cognition Special?Please note, this talk is combined with the Social Psychology Seminar Series (SPSS)
The case for formal methodology in scientific reformPlease note, virtual tea at 4.15pm with talk starting at 4.30pm
Psychedelic Relationship EnhancementTopic: Zangwill Zoom Meeting _Brian Earp Time: Jun 5, 2020 04:00 PM London 4-430pm social with Brian pre-Zangwill 430 to 6pm Talk + discussion.
The role of the anterior temporal lobe in semantic representation and its disorders
Fragile Memories for Fleeting PerceptsWe will have a Tea and coffee informal gathering from 1pm to 1.30pm and the talk will start at 130.pm followed by questions and discussion at 230pm.
Fragile Memories for Fleeting Percepts
Feeling in Seeing is Believing : Experimenting with the Visceral Dimension of Visual Politics (When News are Fake)
Social Physiology for Precision Psychiatry
Modern Outrage and the Perversion of PunishmentPLEASE NOTE: THIS TALK WILL TAKE PLACE AT 12.00PM
Visuospatial working memory as a fundamental component of the eye movement system.
Anhedonia and Adolescent Depression
Affect & Decision-Making in Health and Disease
Sensitive periods of social brain development in adolescencePLEASE NOTE: THIS TALK WILL TAKE PLACE AT 12.00PM. THERE WILL BE NO ZANGWILL TEA THIS WEEK
Attentive learning: Understanding mechanisms by studying outcomes, risk and protective factors
Visuospatial working memory as a fundamental component of the eye movement system.PLEASE NOTE, THIS TALK HAS BEEN CANCELLED!!
Visual learning: Babies, bodies and machinesPlease note: This Zangwill talk will be taking place at 12.00pm
The spatial and temporal dynamics of attention: insights from direct access to the attentional spotlight
Costs and benefits of cognitive control: When a little frontal cortex goes a long wayPLEASE NOTE: THIS IS AN EXTRA ZANGWILL SEMINAR - THERE WILL BE NO ZANGWILL TEA TODAY
Quantifying conscious states by means of self-initiated brain activityPlease note: This Zangwill talk will be taking place at 12.00pm
How we remember and how we forget
Rethinking sex and the brain beyond the binary: Mosaic brains in a multi-dimensional space
The endocannabinoid system at work: From basic mechanisms to psychiatric diseasesPlease note: This is a Pre-Zangwill Talk - see change of venue
Neuroscience & Creativity: Insights from Unnatural BedfellowsPLEASE NOTE: THIS ZANGWILL TALK IS TAKING PLACE AT THE USUAL TIME OF 4.30PM. THE ZANGWILL TEA WILL BE AT 4.00PM
Shedding light on infant brain and cognitive development in Africa: The BRIGHT ProjectPLEASE NOTE, THIS ZANGWILL CLUB SEMINAR WILL START AT 12.00PM. THERE WILL BE NO ZANGWILL TEA AT 4.00PM
Neural circuits for visually-guided decision making in mice.PLEASE NOTE, THIS ZANGWILL CLUB SEMINAR WILL START AT 12.00PM. THE ZANGWILL TEA WILL BE AT THE USUAL TIME OF 4.00PM
Bridging Neural and Computational Viewpoints on Perceptual Decision MakingPLEASE NOTE, THIS ZANGWILL CLUB SEMINAR WILL START AT 12.00PM. THE ZANGWILL TEA WILL BE AT THE USUAL TIME OF 4.00PM
Attention modifies the weights of competing stimulus sources during integrated visual decision making
Top-down vs. bottom-up? Effects of prediction and attention on sensory processing and perception
From science to technology: the interaction between senses during the development and the creation of new rehabilitation devices.
In search for the cognitive foundations of Euclidean geometry
Animal models of episodic memory
Set to change? Lifespan factors influencing neurocognitive trajectories and plasticity
Human olfaction at the intersection of language, culture and biology
Cross-language speech perception: how listening to foreign speech changes over life
Studying the functions of consciousness: what we know and what we want to know
Making sense of time in the Human mind
Social timing in autism spectrum disorders
Sleep for Systems Consolidation
Cortical tracking of natural and artificial sequences
How Paranoia Affects Social Cognition and Behaviour
Modelling cortical gain in autism (without neuroimaging)
Selectivity and dynamics of human face representations
Metacognition of internally-generated processes
Developing memory interference strategies as treatments for addiction and trauma-related symptoms
Cognitive Gadgets: The Cultural Evolution of Thinking
Simulating word learning, semantic grounding, and oscillatory responses to linguistic items in a neurobiologically constrained model of the cortex
Human olfaction at the intersection of language, culture and biology
What is the temporal resolution of categorical perception?
How is visual perception biased
: Visual Perception of Materials and their Properties
From ears to brain (and back): Imaging the brain computations for sound analysis.
Using narratives to understand human conscious experience
A conversation on his life and work with Prof David SpiegelhalterPLEASE NOTE: CHANGE OF VENUE AND CHANGE OF TIME: This is a shared event with the Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication, please sign up https://goo.gl/LPAAaF
Investigating the role of cognition for speech-in-noise listening
Inoculating Against Misinformation: On the Motivated Cognition of Facts and Expertise
Heart and minds: The hidden impacts on emotion and memory
Metacontrol: The Yin and Yang of cognitive control
Cognitive rehabilitation in people with schizophrenia
Information networks, truth and value.
Touch: The sensory scaffold of development?
An Interference Model of Visual Working Memory
How Power Affects Those Who Possess it: Activation, Wanting and Goal Seeking Approach Motivation
The Social Neuroendocrinology of Status
Brain mechanisms underlying the subjective experience of remembering
Cognitive coding in the hippocampal-entorhinal system
The biological basis and perceptual impact of categorisation: the case of colour.
A common model of representational and connectivity spaces in human cortexPLEASE NOTE: THIS IS AN SPECIAL EXTRA TALK AND WILL TAKE PLACE AT 4.00PM
Do we control language or does language control us?
Empathy – from shared affect to self-other distinction
Observations from the Edge of Beauty
Optimality and irrationality in human decision-making
Exploring embodiment mechanisms using expertisePLEASE NOTE: CHANGE OF SPEAKER THIS WEEK
Exploring embodiment mechanisms using expertisePLEASE NOTE: THIS TALK HAS BEEN CANCELLED
Value and confidence signals in the human brain - implications for decision making?
Learning to learn: lessons from action video games
Vision, Decision, and Navigation in Mouse Parietal CortexDUE TO ILLNESS, THIS TALK HAS BEEN CANCELLED
Weaponized Lies: An American neuroscientist speaks on the post-truth era (and what we can do about it)PLEASE NOTE, THIS ZANGWILL SEMINAR WILL TAKE PLACE IN THE ANATOMY LECTURE THEATRE ON DOWNING SITE
Assessing the role of cross modal information in high level perception: enhancements and constraints.
‘Peter Pan and the Mind of J. M. Barrie. An Exploration of Cognition and Consciousness.’PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS AN EXTRA ZANGWILL CLUB TALK
Cross-sensory integration and calibration during development
Structured sequences, language evolution and the primate brain
Visceral inputs, brain dynamics and subjectivity
Brain algorithmics: reverse engineering dynamic information processing in brain networks from EEG/MEG time series
The radical plasticity thesis: Consciousness as learned metacognition
Using non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) to interact with brain activity and associated functions: brain oscillations as promising targets?
Learning, sleep and memory consolidation. Behavioural and magnetoencephalographic investigations
See what you hear - Constructing a representation of the world across the senses -
Visual Attention Without Visual Awareness
The psychological and neural basis of the individual vulnerability to compulsive disorders: new insights from preclinical studies.
Eating and over-eating: a cognitive perspective
Measuring rodent affect: Rethinking taste aversion and (some) models of psychiatric disorder."
An engineering approach to aversive learning.
The Invention of Consciousness
Storing, using and updating knowledge for behavioural control.
Brain algorithmics: reverse engineering dynamic information processing in brain networks from EEG/MEG time seriesPLEASE NOTE: THIS TALK HAS NOW BEEN CANCELLED
The typical and atypical development of the social brain
New perspectives on old puzzles – memory and the brain
How rational are we?
A memory of hunger? Effects of early-life adversity on adult foraging decisions.
Tractometry: From Micro to Macro (and Back Again)
Pleasures of the brain: Investigating anhedonia with whole-brain computational connectomics
New physiological findings in human brain stimulation: why most claims to cognitive enhancement are probably false.
Grady Nia Project: Assessing and Treating Abused, Suicidal WomenPlease note: This talk is starting at 16.30
Understanding the forgetful and apathetic brainPlease note: This talk is starting at 16.30
Modulating drug taking and drug seeking through TAAR1 activationPlease note: This talk is starting at 16.30
Studying natural speech processing at the phonemic level using EEGPlease note: This talk is starting at 16.30
The prenatal sex steroid theory of autismPlease note: This talk is starting at 16.30
Phonological and Morphological Processes in Reading and Reading AcquisitionPlease note: This talk is starting at 16.30
"Where"Please note: This talk is starting at 16.30
Creating Solidarity by Making Bodies Alike, but Creating Hierarchy in Physical DimensionsPlease note: This talk is starting at 16.30
The Importance of Feeling Honest : A Candid Take on Moral MotivationPLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE: This is a special Zangwill Club Seminar, being held jointly with the Moral Psychology Conference
Mechanisms of imitation: insights from typical and autistic cognition
Adjusting accordingly: prefrontal areas updating valuations for objects and actions
Impact of Diversity on Social Cohesion: Implications of Positive and Negative Intergroup Contact
Adult age differences in social cognition
Imaging and Stimulating adaptive brain plasticity
Premembering Perception
Neural representation of complex space
Active Sensing and Brain oscillations
The Evolution of Culture
Social and Motivational Influences on Perceptual Judgments
How and why does an extra sex chromosome affect neurodevelopment?
Upstairs-Downstairs- The Gut Microbiome as a Key Regulator of Brain and Behaviour
The application of psychological theories to clinical practice
Speech Rhythm and Temporal Structure: A Temporal Sampling Perspective on Phonology and DyslexiaPLEASE NOTE: THIS TALK WILL START AT 3.00PM
Communicating risk and scientific uncertainty to the public and policy-makersPLEASE NOTE: THIS TALK WILL START AT 3.00PM
How independent of semantics are phonology and syntax? Evidence from Semantic DementiaPLEASE NOTE: THIS TALK WILL START AT 3.00PM
Genes and environment in adolescent attachment: a challenge to the received wisdom?PLEASE NOTE: THIS TALK WILL START AT 3.00PM
Neural Systems for NavigationPLEASE NOTE: THIS TALK WILL START AT 3.00PM
Thinking flexibly and enhancing cognitionPLEASE NOTE: THIS TALK WILL START AT 3.00PM
Dopamine Neuron Regulation and its Disruption in Schizophrenia and DepressionPLEASE NOTE: THIS TALK WILL START AT 3.00PM
The Marshmallow Test: Understanding self-control and how to master itTHIS IS AN SPECIAL EXTRA ZANGWILL CLUB SEMINAR. PLEASE NOTE, THIS TALK WILL START AT 3.00PM
Thinking about thinking about thought: Neural mechanisms for understanding other mindsPLEASE NOTE: ALL ZANGWILL CLUB TALKS THIS TERM WILL START AT THE EARLIER TIME OF 3.00PM
A day at the races: some common 'illusions' in gambling behaviour
The integration of sensory cues across development
The Conscious Phenotype
Studies of the human brain during experimental and natural conditions using intracranial recordings and electrical brain stimulationPLEASE NOTE: THIS TALK HAS BEEN CHANGED TO THURSDAY 13TH MARCH INSTEAD OF THE USUAL FRIDAY" THIS IS A SPECIAL EXTRA ZANGWILL CLUB SEMINAR"
Comparing Apples and Oranges: The Neurocomputation of Value
Investigating cognitive mechanisms in major depressive disorder using novel translational animal models
Limits to Goal-Directed Action Control - Implications for Psychopathologies
The role of the motor system in action perception
The role of "means selection" and "outcome selection" information in infants' goal attribution
Crossmodal correspondences: Looking for links between sound symbolism & synaesthesia, & their application to multisensory marketing
Fairness, trust & reciprocity: insights from decision neuroscience
Conditioned Nausea: Experimental Analysis and Practical Applications
Hermann Lotze and Local Sign
The miswired brain – from altered neurodevelopment to psychopathology
Risk, uncertainty and feedback: How and what we learn from observing the outcome of our choices
What We Need to Know about Intelligence but Do Not'
Drug addiction: neural mechanisms underlying the development of compulsive drug seeking habits
Economical brain networks
Re-contextualizing the hippocampus
Benefits and limitations of hearing aids
"Bonsai trees in your head: the powerful influence of reflexive processes on goal-directed decision-making".Tea and Cakes available in 2nd Floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Heterogeneity in Cognitive AgingTea and Cakes available in 2nd Floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Emotional disorders and mental imageryTea and Cakes available in 2nd Floor Seminar Room from 4pm
The representational-hierarchical view of cognition: implications for amnesia, interference and Alzheimer's DiseaseTea and Cakes available in 2nd Floor Seminar Room from 4pm
All work and no play
Specificity and social cognitive impairment in autism
Experience-related changes in the adult auditory system
Don't Believe Everything You Read in the Papers
Exploring the two pathways to fear: Daleks and Parents
Reasoning rats and clever kids: The role of reasoning in human and animal causal learning
A molecular basis of innate and learned behavior
ERP evidence of reduced perceptual filtering predicts superior visual search in individuals with high levels of autistic traits.
Learning and brain plasticity for perceptual decisionsTHIS TALK HAS BEEN CANCELLED
Seeing in depth: computations and cortical networks
The Contrasting Roles of the Hippocampus & Amygdala in Memory
Cognitive mechanisms of action control and the link with monetary decision-making when gambling
Prospective memory and prefrontal cortex: Evidence from neuroimaging and computational modelling
Conative and Emotional Psychobiology: Evidence from infancy and developmental neuroscience on the purposes and values of human cognition.
The Determination of Memory Course after Retrieval
Imprinted genes, brain and behaviour
Reinforcement, learning, and cognitive control
Conduct problems and callous-unemotional traits: Genetic and brain imaging findings
Executive Functions and Prefrontal Cortex: Genetic and Neurochemical Influences, Gender Differences, and Novel Methods to Help Children Become Masters of their Own Behavior
Are there multiple memory systems? A new theoretical framework for implicit and explicit memory.
Basic number representations and their neural basis
The Adolescent Brain
The principles and functions of (hippocampal) memory reconsolidation
Cognitive Reserve and Alzheimer’s Disease: Where Society and Biology MeetJOINT ZANGWILL/CHAUCER CLUB SEMINAR
Against Qualia
Becoming a skilled comprehender: causes and consequences
Thinking aloud about mental voices
Adult neuropsychological models cannot be generalised to neurodevelopmental disorders
fMRI of color signals in human visual cortex
When experimentation meets limits, but simple correlation is uninformative: modelling developmental influences and other complex phenomena
Causal models in evidential reasoning
Pervasive Eye Tracking - Opportunities and Challenges
Visual sensitivity explained
Dopaminergic modulation of episodic memory in young and older adults
Memory Consolidation: Synaptic tagging and mental schemas
Memory Deficits associated with selective hippocampal atrophy
Emotions, Intuitions and Morality
Memory and the Brain: Past, Present and FutureJoint Zangwill/Bartlett Lecture. THIS LECTURE IS TAKING PLACE ON THURSDAY 5TH MAY INSTEAD OF FRIDAY 6TH MAY
Soul Dust: the magic of consciousness
Thinking of things unseen: exploratory behaviour in chimpanzees and children
Speech perception in older listeners: Contributions of changes in audition and cognition
That old feeling: Age-related changes in conversation
Perceptual Learning and Face Recognition
Do birds believe in magic
The Neuroscience of moral judgement
Hippocampal function: Re-considering configural memory
The Bayesian brain, surprise and free-energy
The Evolution of shopping listsTea and Cakes available in 2nd Floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Illusions in the real worldTea and Cakes available in 2nd Floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Natural GeometryTea and Cakes available in 2nd Floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Neuroimaging of ADHD and related disordersTea and Cakes available in 2nd Floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Epigenetics, brain development and behaviourTea and Cakes available in 2nd Floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Human speech and language: Separable neurobiological substratesTea and Cakes available in 2nd Floor Seminar Room from 4pm
How the brain makes decisionsTea and Cakes available in 2nd Floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Science and government policy: current oxymoron future opportunity?Tea and Cakes available in 2nd Floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Brain-Based ValuesTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Making Decisions without ValuesTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Brain imaging studies of memory for when events occurredTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
How do we read other people's mind? Insights from neuropsychologyTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Measuring consciousness: From behaviour to neurophysiologyTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Glutamate, GABA and the neurobiology of reward conditioningTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Human cerebral cortex: Cytoarchitectonics, segregation of function and transmitter receptorsThis is the special joint Zangwill-Chaucer Club presentation for 09-10. Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Deficits in processing sensory context in schizophreniaTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Mapping the parts of higher level cortexTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Paranoia: The 21st Century FearTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Single cell responses in the human medial temporal lobeTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
The cognitive basis of perspective-taking: Evidence from adults and implications for studies of infants and non-human animalsTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Mis-wired: Studying the link between brain network development and functional deficitsTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Studying the relation between neural oscillations and human behaviour with MagnetoencephalographyTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Evaluating the costs and benefits of future rewards: neuropsychological and neurochemical investigations in frontal and dopaminergic circuitsTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Why speaking louder might not make you understood - supra-threshold deficits in hearing impairmentTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Risks, Emotions & DecisionsTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Neurobiological basis of music and dance skillsTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
The neurodynamics of cognitive integrationTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Wobbles, warbles and fish - the physiology of dyslexiaTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Licking & liking in rodentsTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
How we come to experience that we own our bodyTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Who Lost the Cog in Cognitive Science?—Mentalism in an Era of Anti-CognitivismTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
The dark side of impulsivity: neural and psychological mechanisms of pre-disposition to stimulant addictionTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Are imitation and the 'mirror system' products of associative learning?NOTE NEW VENUE FOR REFRESHMENTS - Tea & cakes available in 1st floor PartII Common Room
How does early brain organization promote language acquisition in humans?Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Adaptive coding mechanisms in children with autism: lessons from developmentTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
From perception to conception: object processing in the ventral streamTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Signatures of conscious access: Ignition, oscillation, synchrony, causalityThis is a special joint presentation of the Zangwill Club and the MRC-CBU Chaucer Club. Tea and cakes will be available in the 2nd floor Seminar Room in the Dept. of Experimental Psychology from 4pm.
Subjective measures of unconscious knowledgeTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Problem gambling, near-misses, and the brain reward systemNOTE - THIS IS A REPLACEMENT TALK TO THAT ADVERTISED (RAHMAN). Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm.
What the "Renewal Effect" is, is not, and the status of current explanationsTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Why genetic association studies have been so unsuccessful in psychiatryTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
The cortico-cerebellar system: Anatomy, evolution and functionTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Towards a Cognitive Neuroscience of Rational ThoughtTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
What is smart thing like number doing in the dumb parietal cortex?Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Rules, associations and inhibitory control: fMRI, patient and oculomotor studies of the frontal lobeTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
The unbearable sameness of being: Categorical cognition, autobiographical recollection and emotional disorderTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Impulsive antisocial sensation seeking in healthy subjects: Effects on cognitive processesTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Comparative cognitive development in chimpanzeesTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
The spatial foundations of the conceptual systemThis is a joint presentation of the Zangwill Club and the Bartlett Club. Tea and cakes will be served in the Seminar Room from 4pm.
Brain and Decisions: Unitary or Dual Systems?This is a joint presentation of the Zangwill Club and the Bartlett Club. Tea and cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm.
Morphological decomposition based on the analysis of orthographyTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Joint action: Bodies and Minds Acting TogetherTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
A role for hippocampal LTP in memory: it’s not all associative!Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Attentional bias and craving in substance useTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Processes involved in remembering future intentions: Automatic or controlled?Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Cancellation in Auditory Scene AnalysisTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Spatial memory: from neurons to learning and behaviourTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
The role of phasic dopamine signalling in the determination of agency and the discovery of novel actionsTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Learned predictiveness and cue processing in human learningTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Functional MRI studies of memory and ageingTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
How antipsychotic medications work - from receptors to responseTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Plasticity of the cerebral cortex: when, how, why?NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE FOR LECTURE. Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm. This is a joint presentation of the Zangwill Club and the MRC CBU Chaucer Club
Grounding knowledge in the brain’s modal systemsThis is a special joint presentation of the Zangwill Club and the MRC-CBU Chaucer Club. Please note recent venue change to MRC-CBU
Adjusting network dynamics to cognitive demands: dopaminergic control of cortical activity regimesTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Developing cognitive approaches to the assessment of animal emotionTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Familiarity and recall in rats: memory for objects and eventsTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Androgen and gender developmentTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Investigating individual differences in outcomes for cochlear implanteesTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Stress, Happiness and Health: the Cortisol ConnectionTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
The psychopharmacology of social and non-social risky choice, and gambling behaviourTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Mental programs and the frontal lobeTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Timing, memory and choiceTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Involvement of subregions of prefrontal cortex in strategy implementation and episodic memoryTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
The role of action in directing attentionTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Distributed representations of faces and objects in human cortexTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Intuition and affect in decision-makingTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Neural systems for attention and perceptual decisionsTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Reanalyzing ungrammatical sentences: Evidence from eye movements, speeded grammaticality judgments, and MEGTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Is theory of mind necessary for teachingTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Distributed representations of faces and objects in human cortexCANCELLED DUE TO ILL HEALTH
Reward processing in the addicted brain: Sex, drugs and genesTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Getting to grips with the problem of serial order in memoryTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
New family forms: Implications for parenting and child developmentThis is a joint Zangwill-Bartlett Club talk. Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
The origins of adult magical beliefsTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Do familiarity and recollection have different neural bases? Normal, lesion, fMRI, and neophrenology studiesTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Listening to a dialect: Dynamics of phonetic and lexical representationsTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Mood, memory & clinical depressionTea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Migration and fusion of perceptual content – premorbid susceptibility to Allochiria, neglect and extinction?Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
What makes real-world scenes special? Evidence from fMRITea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Sex differences in intelligence?Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Intelligence and ageing: contributions from the Scottish Mental Survey follow-up studiesThis is a joint Zangwill-Chaucer Club talk. Tea & cakes available in 2nd floor Seminar Room from 4pm
Please see above for contact details for this list. |
Other listsThe influence of signal strength on the differentiation of effector and memory T cells CIMR Professional Development Series by the postdoc committe Cambridgeshire Bird ClubOther talksGenomic Approaches to Cancer Stokes-Smoluchowski-Einstein-Langevin theory for active colloidal suspensions Ribosome profiling and virus infection A stochastic model for understanding PIN polarity in isolated cells Perfect toposes and infinitesimal weak generation Bullion or specie? The role of Spanish American silver coins in Europe and Asia throughout the 18th century Refugees and Migration Scale and anisotropic effects in necking of metallic tensile specimens Investigating the Functional Anatomy of Motion Processing Pathways in the Human Brain The Gopakumar-Vafa conjecture for symplectic manifolds Cambridge - Corporate Finance Theory Symposium September 2017 - Day 2 Nonstationary Gaussian process emulators with covariance mixtures |