Talks on 2017/5/10
Wednesday 10 May 2017
- 09:00 - Vectorial metric compactification of symmetric spaces and affine buildings
- 10:30 - Amyloids from the origin to the end of life
- 11:00 - The Status of Mini-Grids: Are they the 'next' big thing, or an un-economic diversion?
- 11:30 - Winning funding – one simple trick for success
- 11:30 - Convex cocompactness in real projective geometry
- 12:00 - WSN: Building Resilience at Work
- 12:00 - Decolonising the Curriculum in Theory and Practice
- 12:30 - The Multiple Demand System and its subnetworks/ Exploring temporal dynamics of preparatory attention
- 13:00 - 'Partisanship, petitioning, and deliberation in British politics, c. 1689-1750'
- 13:00 - How can we homologize holobionts, and whose lineage matters?
- 13:00 - Molecular biomarkers for seabird age estimation
- 13:15 - Postgraduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship webinar
- 13:15 - Making Waves and Sea to Shore Images inspired by the sea across five centuries, from the Fitzwilliam Museum and Kettle’s Yard
- 14:00 - First Year Student Talks
- 14:00 - Cardiovascular and Respiratory disease: a dangerous liaison
- 14:15 - Igusa quartic and and Wiman-Edge sextics
- 14:30 - CERF Cavalcade
- 14:30 - Lorenz chaos beyond the attractor
- 16:00 - Microfluidics, biomimetic channels, networks and self assembly
- 16:00 - Can we exploit companion dogs to advance therapies for spinal cord injury?
- 16:00 - The Calderon problem for connections
- 16:00 - The story of nothing
- 16:00 - Processing of ices in protoplanetary disks: why chemistry matters when making planets
- 16:00 - AITKEN PUBLIC LECTURE - Shaken but not stirred: using mathematics in earthquakes
- 16:00 - Aitken Lecture: "Shaken but not stirred: mathematics in earthquakes"
- 16:00 - A common model of representational and connectivity spaces in human cortex
- 16:00 - “Topology in materials science”
- 16:15 - Pervasive Sensing for Lifestyle Monitoring and Urban Applications
- 16:30 - Aboriginal body shape and clothing, and the Tasmanian problem(s)
- 16:30 - Statistics Clinic Easter Term 2017 - II
- 16:30 - Introduction to Bayesian contraction rates
- 17:00 - Towards an evidence base for best practice in mathematics education
- 17:00 - Indian democracy in the 70th year of independence: understanding the 2017 Uttar Pradesh elections. A round-table discussion
- 17:00 - Revisiting Vinogradoff’s interpretation of Bracton: why was a servus not a slave?
- 17:15 - Norwegian Romani - the 'languageness' of a Para-Romani variety
- 18:00 - Two Souls of Revolution, The Seventh Annual Cambridge Vsesvit Evening
- 18:30 - Next Generation Gravimetric Biosensing Using FBARs
- 19:00 - Racing our solar car in Australia 2017
- 19:00 - Colorado
- 21:00 - My Carbon Footprint