Talks on 2017/2/21
Tuesday 21 February 2017
- 09:30 - How do older people cope with infections and can we do anything to help?
- 10:00 - Frailty, inflammatory correlates on neuromuscular and immune systems
- 10:00 - Advanced NMR applications
- 10:00 - Pre-Publication Considerations: Publishing your Research Effectively (for STEM PhD Students)
- 11:00 - "Food poisoning, Salmonella and their molecular contribution to gallbladder and colon cancer"
- 11:15 - The Right Stuff- Optimizing Community Mobility at Midlife and Beyond
- 12:30 - Sufficient Statistics for Imperfect Externality-Correcting Policies
- 13:00 - Social Identity: The enactment and performance of religious identities
- 13:00 - DNA strand breaks and human disease
- 13:00 - Improving Diagnosis in the Era of Electronic Health Records
- 13:00 - Departmental Seminar: Reconstruction: The Great War and the Origins of Modern Politics
- 13:00 - “Editing the genome of human induced pluripotent stem cells”
- 13:00 - A trip down long short-term memory lane
- 13:10 - Sound devices in English word-formation: alliteration, rhyme, and sound symbolism
- 13:15 - East London Genes & Health: Population Genomic Medicine in British South Asians
- 13:15 - Art speak
- 13:15 - Networked Systems Research Update
- 14:00 - The neglected Giant: Incontinence and ageing
- 14:00 - The effects of ozone depletion, increased greenhouse gas emissions, and increased aerosols on precipitation in High-Mountain Asia
- 14:00 - On the Privacy and Security of the Ultrasound Ecosystem
- 14:00 - Membrane Matrix Models and non-perturbative tests of gauge/gravity
- 14:15 - Abstract Systems and Sheaves
- 14:30 - Chronic respiratory diseases and healthy aging: an epidemiological point of view
- 14:30 - Integral models for eigenvarieties
- 14:30 - Solar energy with a twist: dynamic disorder in halide perovskites
- 15:00 - Using Truth to find Beauty: Measuring CP-violation in b-hadron decays using top quarks collected by the ATLAS detector
- 15:00 - Invariance principle for random walk in time-dependent balanced random environment
- 15:30 - Preeclampsia and the risk of cardiovascular disease in later life
- 16:00 - Four-dimensional quasi-Einstein manifolds
- 16:00 - PGDE event: Roundtable discussion at Enterprise Tuesday
- 16:00 - The summative assessment of individuals’ contributions to collaborative creative processes: Where angels fear to tread?
- 16:00 - Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- 17:00 - Genomics and the industrialisation of medical tests, 1980–2000
- 17:00 - Poetry’s Role in Leningrad Samizdat
- 17:00 - 'The breath of history on our necks’: the European revolutionary left and Portugal, 1974-1975
- 17:00 - The Underpass: Urban Experience in Swedish Young Adult Literature 1890–2010
- 17:00 - Mobile technology: allocating spectrum and promoting competition
- 17:30 - From curiosity to treasure: Mr Selden's map of China
- 17:30 - J M Keynes Fellowship Fund Lectures
- 17:45 - Reablement - Social investment in long-term care
- 18:00 - Evidence for miRNA-mediated transcriptome regulation in the parasitic flatworm Schistosoma mansoni
- 18:00 - Sperm Mediated Transgenerational Inheritance
- 18:00 - Enterprise Tuesday 2017: incubating for disruption
- 19:45 - Planets, comets, dust.. or aliens… around KIC8462852
- 20:00 - Towards earlier diagnosis for cancer of the oesophagus