Talks on 2016/2/25
Thursday 25 February 2016
- 05:30 - Lecture with Lord Adair Turner - G.L.S Shackle Memorial Lecture
- 09:30 - Athena Swan: Equality & Diversity in science
- 10:00 - Brassinosteroids, stem cell development and the power of Modulate Quiescence in Plants
- 10:30 - mRNA stability is substantially dictated by the action of the ribosome
- 11:30 - The destabilization of capillary rafts into armored droplets
- 12:30 - Public Policy Research Seminar: Doing Development Differently
- 12:45 - The Hidden Power of Networks: Research and Education
- 13:00 - Integrating phylogenetics, ecology and evo-devo to understand the origin of plant species: the role of spur length evolution in speciation of the genus Linaria
- 13:00 - Single Valued Elliptic Multizetas and String Theory
- 13:00 - Rainbow Group Part II project presentations
- 13:10 - Mapping tumours in 4D – Spatially and temporally resolved genomics
- 13:15 - Education for Sustainable Development and Health Education in Times of Reform
- 14:00 - Quantitative Characterisation of Catalyst Nanoparticles using STEM
- 14:00 - Green Labs Workshop @ Plant Sciences
- 14:00 - Logical relations
- 14:30 - Transitive Avoidance Games
- 15:00 - Is every java program a unikernel? An introduction to IncludeOS' design and foundations
- 15:00 - Acceleration of alternating minimisations for quadratic + nonsmooth problems
- 15:00 - Bayesian factorization of multiple data sources
- 15:30 - Cunning, killer orchids
- 15:30 - The economic utility signal of dopamine neurons
- 16:00 - Computing Cycloisomerizations - Understanding Unusual Regioselectivities and Designs for Optimal Stereoselectivities
- 16:00 - A molecular perspective of water structure at metal surfaces
- 16:00 - Gamma Ray Bursts in the Era of Rapid Followup
- 16:00 - After Independence: India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
- 16:30 - Fusion Power - within our grasp?
- 17:00 - The Architectural Afterlife of Dante’s Commedia, 1550-1938
- 17:00 - The Architectural Afterlife of Dante’s Commedia, 1550-1938
- 17:15 - CAPITALISM ON THE EDGE - Inequality
- 17:30 - Ice sheet, atmosphere, and ocean dynamics in the Atlantic sector of Antarctica – past reconstruction and future course.
- 18:00 - Selective control of genome maintenance pathways by RNA processing factors
- 18:00 - Introduction to RNAcentral, a non-coding RNA sequence database
- 18:30 - The Diamond Light Source
- 18:30 - From Robotics to Patient Care
- 19:00 - [Archimedeans] Molecular Dynamics, Random Walks and PDEs
- 19:00 - Water Engineering in Pakistan - Sam Jewers