Talks on 2016/2/18
Thursday 18 February 2016
- 09:00 - Thermal convection in an heterogeneous mantle: plumes, piles, domes, and LLSVPs.
- 09:30 - Brain cancer
- 10:00 - Introduction to biolmolecular NMR
- 10:00 - Feedbacks between deformation and melts in the upper mantle
- 11:30 - Internal student talks
- 11:30 - Large deformations in soft porous materials: Squishing, swelling, and yielding
- 11:45 - The Management of Population Immunity
- 12:00 - Antigenicity of the HPV major capsid protein
- 12:00 - Directed Assembly of Active Colloidal Devices
- 13:00 - Incompatible European Partners? Cultural Predisposition and Household Financial Behaviour
- 13:00 - DNMT3A in Hematopoietic Stem Cells, Cancer and Ageing
- 13:00 - Soft Hair on Black Holes
- 13:00 - Brainwashing the cybernetic subject: The Ipcress File and fantasies of interrogation in the 1960s
- 13:00 - Is the cingulate cortex a useful biomarker of Autism pathology? Task-free and task-based approaches.
- 13:00 - Talklet -- DTG and AI group
- 13:00 - Talklet -- DTG and AI group
- 13:00 - Rainbow Group Part II project presentations
- 13:10 - Unikernels: from science experiment to industry
- 14:00 - Role of neuromesodermal progenitors in axial elongation.
- 14:00 - Stability and power sharing in microgrids
- 14:15 - A derivation of the third law of thermodynamics
- 14:30 - Intensified-Process Integration at All Scales – flow reactor networks and end-to-end intensified chemical plants
- 14:30 - Intensified-Process Integration at All Scales: flow reactor networks and end-to-end intensified chemical plants
- 14:30 - Achlioptas processes and truncated stochastic coalescence
- 14:30 - Multiphase transport, flirting with the limits of continuum models
- 15:00 - All-at-once versus reduced formulations of inverse problems
- 15:00 - Exploring the Web Frontier
- 15:30 - Was geology the first science to inject history into the natural world?
- 16:00 - Diffusion dynamics of adsorbates from tunnelling and other quantum effects
- 16:00 - Single Molecule Enzymology: Transcription against Supercoiling
- 16:00 - Symmetry Matters in Gynoecium Development
- 16:00 - Exo-zodi - the evolution of dust in the habitable zones of Sun-like stars
- 16:00 - Partition: politics, memory and experience
- 16:00 - Parietal cortex and action space
- 16:00 - Multiphase Flow in Crustal Magmatic Processes
- 16:30 - Language variation and change within the individual
- 16:30 - AREVA Strategy in the new Nuclear Context
- 17:00 - Crisis in Berlin and Paris: Diversity, Culture, and the Good Life
- 17:00 - From Branching to Banking – The Maths behind Credit Derivatives
- 17:30 - Sense of Place lecture series: "Ways of seeing: Vladimir Korolenko’s Volga sketches"
- 18:00 - Smart infrastructure and construction - the challenges and opportunities for the use of sensors in monitoring infrastructure and construction
- 18:00 - Secular stagnation, the introduction of the pill, and house prices
- 18:00 - Particular Surprises: Faces, Cries and Transfiguration. Inferno XXXII, Purgatorio XXXII, Paradiso XXXII
- 19:00 - ‘No longer the dismal science: the contribution of health economics to health gains in the developing world’ by Professor Dame Anne Mills
- 19:30 - Birdsong - what's all the noise about?