Catherine Pearson
Name: | Catherine Pearson |
Affiliation: | IEEF |
E-mail: | (only provided to users who are logged into talks.cam) |
Last login: | Thu Feb 13 09:29:49 +0000 2025 |
Public lists managed by Catherine Pearson
Talks given by Catherine Pearson
Obviously this only lists talks that are listed through talks.cam. Furthermore, this facility only works if the speaker's e-mail was specified in a talk. Most talks have not done this.
Talks organised by Catherine Pearson
This list is based on what was entered into the 'organiser' field in a talk. It may not mean that Catherine Pearson actually organised the talk, they may have been responsible only for entering the talk into the talks.cam system.
- Effects triggered by singular solutions in the collapse of non-spherical bubbles
- Cracking in Drying Films
- Multiphase Transport Phenomena and Energy Process Intensification
- No Seminar
- Novel approaches to Hydrogen, CO2 Conversion and Ammonia to reduce carbon emissions
- Symposium on Energy and Environmental Flows
- Technological pathways for thermomechanical energy conversion and storage: Progress, challenges and outlook
- CCS & permeability: thinking about uncertainty through a perturbation analysis and Bubble growth in alkaline electrolysis
- CO2 dissolution during geological carbon storage: the Cinderella trapping mechanism
- Cheap and effective catalysts for sustainable hydrogen production
- The Formation of Metal Salts in Carboxylated Nitrile Latex
- What can Arctic staircases tell us about ocean mixing?
- Some flow problems in large scale energy storage
- Nonlinear Preconditioning for Implicit Solution of Discretized PDEs
- Starting vortices generated at the sharp edges of an arbitrary body
- Making waves on the "mathematical canal"
- Ocean boundary layer turbulence
- Some aspects of contact line dynamics with applications to flow in porous materials
- Engineering solutions for heart valve disease using computational modelling and simulation
- A molecular-level description of the oxygen evolution reaction using in situ spectroscopy
- New understanding of liquid thermodynamics, viscosity and its lower bounds
- Novel processing and 3D correlative imaging of electrodes for batteries
- Two topics in subsurface CO2 storage – Field scale flow modelling, and evaluating the feasibility of scaling up deployment to climate relevant scales
- High-performance Computing to Support Wind Energy Research
- Modelling the Response of Ice to Subglacial Flooding
- Catalysing Net Zero and Energy Transition Strategies through Thermodynamic Principles
- Transport and Settling of Buoyant Microplastics in Turbidity Currents
- The statistics of extreme waves in the coastal zone
- Understanding multihazard in a warming world: landslides and cryospheric hazards in the 21st Century
- Insights from laboratory experiments with boundary mixing
- Surfactants: from self-assembly to application
- Interface heterogeneity and metal plating in lithium metal and anode-free batteries
- Understanding surfactant behaviour to reduce friction in motor vehicles and Why don't we bleed to death? Morphology, gelation and drying in droplets of human blood: tracking advective evolution
- Sophie Meyjes - Impact of global variability in zooplankton grazing rates on carbon export flux - Joshua Lanham - Regimes of seasonal CDW intrusion onto the circumpolar Antarctic shelf in a high-resolution model
- The Interaction between Gravity Currents and Breaking Internal Waves
- New understanding of liquid thermodynamics, viscosity and its lower bounds
- Stuck in the mud? Channelling and clogging in plastic fluids
- Molecular layers, thin films and coatings - Applications of coatings
- Internal IEEF Single slide seminar
- A new class of maneuverable robots for Inspection and Mapping of complex networks of gas and water pipes
- SPECIAL SEMINAR - Drying, Diffusion and Interdiffusion in Multicomponent and Multilayer Films
- Buckling of a fast drying drop of particle suspension
- Energy and Environmental Flows in Sanitation
- Can Enzymes Help Address the Climate Crisis?
- Time-Lapse Volumetric Seismic Imaging of Water Masses at a Major Oceanic Confluence in the South Atlantic Ocean
- Mimicking cell-surface machinery with bespoke DNA nanostructures
- Shallow water modelling of rainfall-runoff processes
- Shallow water modelling of rainfall-runoff processes
- Planning and Economic Studies Section of the IAEA
- Deep ocean steady-state transport and decadal variability inferred from 1980-2021 anthropogenic transient tracer observations
- Climatic Reach of small-scale Ocean Turbulence
- Virtual Barriers for Horizontal Buoyancy-driven Flows
- Inverse problems in fluid dynamics for enhanced velocimetry
- Development and application of environmental flow software
- Modelling electrode heterogeneity in lithium-ion batteries
- Leidenfrost temperature(s)
- Reprogramming and Printing DNA Nanostructures
- Amphiphilic surfactants as model additives for engine friction reduction and Michael Sargent - Battery Thermal Management Fluids and Systems
- The dynamics of deep-submarine explosive eruptions
- New approaches to coupling the thermodynamics and geodynamics of mantle melting
- Dan Toy - Infection dispersal in buildings
- Upper limit of wind farm power generation and wind extractability
- Shaping of solids under natural convection
- Engineering with Droplets
- Introduction to the Institute and some thoughts on energy transition
- Mass transport through Europa’s ice shell and the habitability of Europa’s internal ocean
- The Geobattery Concept – a sustainable future for shallow geothermal resources?
- See Below
- Title to be confirmed
- Urban Flooding Mitigation
- Optofluidic hollow-core photonic crystal fibre
- Interactions between barchan dunes
- Shallow water models of the interaction of gravity currents with obstacles
- Maths for Wetropolis flood demonstrator and a graphical cost-effectiveness tool for flood-mitigation schemes
- Sustainable and effective antimicrobial surface coating based on natural cellulose
- David Madden - DFT Studies on the Reactivity of Iron Surfaces: Searching for Novel Routes to Passivation and Anke Krautsieder - Preparation and testing of novel materials for steel surface maintenance procedures
- The role of ammonia in a future carbon-free energy landscape
- The role of ammonia in a future carbon-free energy landscape
- Dissecting turbulent plumes in cross flow using DNS data
- Boundary layers and Biominerals
- Hydraulic reconstruction of the 1818 Giétro Glacial Lake outburst flood
- Large-Scale Carbon Materials that Sequester CO2: A Pipeline for Sustainable Materials or Pipedream?
- Carbon storage in heterogeneous porous reservoirs
- The role of convective vortices in accumulating buoyant material in the ocean
- Clare Rees-Zimmerman - Diffusiophoresis of latex in silica and Mohammed Al-Sharabi - Investigating the liquid transport kinetics of ceramic powder compacts using terahertz pulsed imaging
- Six Features of Sand Dunes
- Modelling Challenges in Nuclear Fusion
- Alex Routh - Conformation of Organic Friction Modifiers under shear and Jerome Neufeld - Storing CO2 in geological complexities
- Title to be confirmed
- Particle Plumes in Cross Winds - Going to Extremes
- Some Thoughts on Decarbonising Heating Systems
- Characterizing turbulent heat transport in the ocean using machine learning
- Marangoni flows and instabilities during drying
- How I became stuck in Layered Materials: From Origins of Life, to Drugs to Renewable Energy
- Ocean Plastics
- Granular Flows
- Granular Flows
- On Tornado Dynamics
- Some problems in low Reynolds number environmental flows
- Have Glue, Will Travel!
- How will climate change affect volcanic plume rise and aerosol cycle?
- Peatland hydrology and carbon cycling
- Solutal Convection in Porous Media
- Stratification in Drying Films: Diffusion and Diffusiophoresis and Particle sedimentation from current blown plumes and Nanoporous silica as a pre-concentrator for enhanced VOC detection
- The Effect of Coordination Chemistry in Aerosols and Fogs on Air Quality
- Impact of wind on dynamics of turbulent buoyant plumes
- BP Sustainability Lecture 2021
- Mini Symposium: On Laboratory Observations of Turbidites: Traction and Yielding.
- Internal wave recipes? Identifying the optimal mix of multi-scale shear and convection in wave-breaking events.
- Flood inundation prediction
- Particle suspension from Rouse to Turbidty Currents, and back again
- See Below
- The link between the global carbon cycle and the interplay between calcium and sulfur in marine pore fluid
- The effects of planetary-scale volcanism on Io's interior structure and evolution
- Title to be confirmed
- Surface Science Aspects of Coronavirus
- Surface Science Aspects of Coronavirus
- Modelling Dispersal of Aerosols in Buildings
- DEM, dams and dikes
- Experimental insights into the gravity-driven flows and mixing in layered porous media
- How new deep-sea observations change turbidity current models
- Making rubber gloves
- Open questions in turbulent stratified mixing: Do we even know what we do not know?
- Cleaning soil layers by impinging liquid jets
- Introduction to Imaging Fluid Flows with Application to Viscous Fingering
- Functional nanomaterials for energy harvesting and sensing
- Towards the control of transition to turbulence
- Title to be confirmed
- Rocking the boat: The physics of kayaks, canoes and rowing
- Fin Allen - A recipe for Cation-bridging and David Broussault - Metal doped silica beads, a promising system for environmental and biological application?
- Edward Hinton - Capillary trapping of CO2 in aquifers with vertically varying permeability and Chris Howland - Mixing in forced stratified turbulence
- Nanotechonolgy, Biology, and Sustainability: Intersections with Gold Nanocrystals
- Title to be confirmed
- Amine-Functionalised Metal-Organic Frameworks as Next Generation Adsorbents for CO2 Capture
- WEEE separation and PVC window frames separation
- The interplay of stress and chemical processes in rocks: why it matters, what is explained, and some unsolved problems
- Title to be confirmed
- Decoding the thermochemical and magnetic evolution of asteroids using thermal modelling
- Hydrological networks and flow of the Greenland ice sheets
- Title to be confirmed
- Title to be confirmed
- Unsteady Turbulent Plumes and Volcanoes
- Karol Bacik - Sand Dunes and Their Interactions Kasia Warburton - Glacial Squeegee: Tidal Effects on Subglacial Hydrology
- Nicola Mingotti - BP Institute, Martin Lippert - BP Institute, Neeraja Bhamidipati - BP Institute
- Ptychotomographic imaging of nano-materials at I13-1 Diamond Light Source
- Granular flow visualization using nuclear imaging
- Importance of Innovation in Engineering
- Title to be confirmed
- Some applications of the numerical method SPH to geophysical problems
- How to Snowboard on Mars?
- Special Seminar: Rheology of complex suspensions
- Self-Assembly in Deep Eutectic Solvents
- Searching for periodic orbits in turbulence with convolutional neural networks
- Controlling carbon nanomaterials in dispersion with surfactants: stability and adsorption at interfaces
- CFD from academia to industry
- Modelling the Dynamics and Hazards from Volcanic Mudflows and Flash Floods
- Turbulence, Periodic Orbits and Koopman analysis
- Special Seminars
- The structure and origin of confined Holmboe waves
- The viscosities of partially molten materials undergoing diffusion creep
- Interacting plumes in a rotating environment: The special case of a single plume and The dynamical system of mixing layers
- Diffusion problems for Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation in permeable porous media
- Molecular Photosynthesis: Such Stuff as Dreams are Made On
- Adjoint-based data assimilation for compressible and reactive flows
- Multiphase Aspects of Ice Sheet Dynamics
- Carbon capture and storage: it has a cost, but does it have any value?
- Nanocarbon and Metal Aerogels as Multifunctional, Porous Support Materials in Adsorption and Catalysis
- The Benefits of Bayesian Machine Learning
- A high-order and conservative particle-mesh algorithm for advection-dominated flows
- Oppositely Charged Polyelectrolyte/Surfactant Mixtures at the Air/Water Interface: The Dominance of Non-equilibrium Effects
- Unstructured Mesh Generation and Its Applications
- Symmetry Breaking For Biomimetic Locomotion
- See details
- Extreme Environments and Dynamic Morphology: Anticipating and harnessing evolving structure-property relationships
- Suppression of marine ice sheet instability
- Self-sculpting of a dissolvable body due to gravitational convection
- Kinetic barriers in surfactant adsorption and desorption
- Ed Hinton -Injection of a fluid into a confined aquifer with a vertical gradient of permeability. Alex Gutai - Formation and eruption of silicic magmas by crustal melting.
- Bob Groves - I'm Glovin' It and Alex Routh - How do LEA proteins operate?
- Title to be confirmed
- Non-equilibrium turbulence scalings and self-similarity in turbulent planar jets
- On the origin of the hydraulic jump in a thin liquid film
- Plasma Spray and Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation Coatings
- On the origin of the hydraulic jump in a thin liquid film
- Transport and Settling of Sediments in River Plumes
- Downstream dispersion of bedload tracers
- Filling box flows in porous media
- Mechanical properties of cells or cell components on the micro- and nanometer scale
- The Engineering of Thin Film Bulk Acoustic Resonator Gravimetric Sensors
- Developing and Selecting Tribological Coatings
- The sensitivity of West Antarctica to the submarine melting feedback
- Gravity-driven flows of non-Newtonian fluids in porous media
- The Best of TIMES? Turbulence, Instability, Mixing and Exact States in Stratified Shear Flows
- Gravity-driven flows of non-Newtonian fluids in porous media
- Bubbly jets and particle-laden fountains in confined and unconfined spaces
- Towards Durable Hydrophobicity and Omniphobicity
- Rupture-resistant filter cakes for wellbore strengthening - Nikzad Falahati and Simulator of underground water flow and transport processes - Jan Hybs
- Numerical study of interfacial flows for environmental and industrial applications
- Friction behavior of Organic Friction Modifiers: an experimental and numerical approach
- Halogen bonding and Crystal Engineering
- Density stratification in gravity currents; topographic interactions, shear layer stability, and impact on the global sediment budget
- Technical challenges in the upstream oil industry
- Effects of Submesoscale Turbulence on Reactive Tracers in the Upper Ocean
- Taking control of flowing dense suspensions
- Title to be confirmed
- Title to be confirmed
- Dynamics of thin liquid sheets: Theory and Experiments
- Title to be confirmed
- Drop splashing at smooth dry surfaces
- Title to be confirmed
- 'Mixing in Gravity Currents' and 'Gravity Driven Flow in a Horizontal Annulus'
- Measuring Ocean Mixing
- Title to be confirmed
- Modelling entrainment and surface processes in atmospheric flows over rural and urban boundary layers.
- Vibrating cables & flapping flags: classical fluid-solid instabilities or energy sources ?
- Internal BPI Student Seminars
- Energy release rate in hydraulic fracture: Can we neglect an impact of the hydraulically induced shear stress?
- Title to be confirmed
- Multifunctional Micro and Nanoencapsulation technology with remote controlled delivery and release of various cargos
- Title to be confirmed
- Instabilities of internal gravity wave beams: insignts from experimental and analytical approaches
- Electrohydrodynamic control of multi-fluid systems at small scales
- Improving Oil Recovery Using Controlled Salinity Waterflooding
- Arrested bubble 'rise' in a narrow tube
- Characterising heterogeneity in multiphase flow and reactive transport processes in application to CO2 storage
- Multi-directional simple shear response of soils
- Waves and wave-driven flows on coral reefs
- Flow and Arrest of Very Dense Suspensions
- Title to be confirmed
- Biofunctionalised Nanotools for New Materials Design
- FEniCS-Shells: solving thin structural theories using a high-level finite element language
- Some fluid-structure interaction problems in the viscous limit
- Title to be confirmed
- Redxo-active anilines: From switchable surfactants to tuneable gas capture
- Topographic enhancement of turbulent mixing in the Southern Ocean
- Non-Covalent Chemistry
- Generation of quick flood events by a groundwater flow
- Title to be confirmed
- Title to be confirmed
- Folding within deep-marine deposits: large contorted rafts and small convolutions
- Unravel buried soft interfaces: From lipid bilayers to responsive polymer brushes
- Physics of Surfing
- Instabilities in shear-thinning viscoelastic fluids: a long story
- Formation, Breakup and Coalescence of Droplets
- Characterization of Gravelly Soils for Geotechnical Engineering Applications
- Granular segregation in dunes and avalanches
- Internal BPI Seminars
- When ice meets ocean: meltwater plumes from the murky depths
- The destabilization of capillary rafts into armored droplets
- Internal student talks
- Internal Student talks - see abstracts
- Regulation of topographic order in the developing nervous system through dynamic cell adhesion
- Sedimentological Regimes for Subaqueous Turbidity Currents
- Liquids on solids, and gases in liquids on solids, in vacuum
- Convective mass transfer from a droplet into a submerging falling film
- Drops in an electric field: instabilities, bifurcations and singularities
- High-density Reservoir Networks in Semiarid Northeastern Brazil
- Green to Gold - From academic curiosity to a Multi $Bn Business Opportunity!
- Modified Sequential Fully Implicit Scheme for Compositional Flow Simulation
- Exploring multiphase flows in porous media
- Self-assembly of nanoparticles on membranes
- Internal BPI Welcome Seminars
- Strong Acoustic Streaming in High-Intensity Discharge Lamps
- How Elastic Flow Instabilities Increase Oil Recovery
- Dynamical systems methods for tracking oil dispersion in ocean flowsand their application during the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Purely-elastic flow instabilities, elastic turbulence and an engineering application
- Permeability of fault zones and how it changes over time
- Dynamics and Instability of straight and helical Vortices
- The impact of internal heat transfer on the performance of air breathing cycles
- Aromatic interactions in simple and complex liquids
- Kinneyia, a fossil hydrodynamic instability
- Elastocapillary dynamics: Pattern forming and the role of evaporation
- Title to be confirmed
- Title to be confirmed
- A computational model for macroscale simulations of moving contact lines
- Resource efficiency: what are the limits?
- BPI Speakers
- Einstein on the beach: fluid flow on a curved space
- Hydrodynamic Theory of Coating
- Periodic and quasiperiodic vortex shedding in the wake of a rotating sphere
- BPI End of Term Seminar
- Digital Matter: Towards Colloidal Machines
- Drying droplets: coffee stains and Mexican hats
- Injection-driven deformation of a soft granular material
- Surface texturing for turbulent friction reduction
- Numerical Simulation of Viscoelastic Free Surface Flows
- Understanding and Developing Inorganic Lubricant Additives
- Title to be confirmed
- Experimental modelling of the Fluid Dynamics of Magma Chambers / Buoyancy induced Taylor dispersion
- Title to be confirmed
- Synovial Fluid Lubrication of Artificial Joints
- Coarsening and grain boundary dynamics in a two-dimensional colloidal hard sphere system
- Turbulent fountains: classification and scaling arguments
- Fluid-solid interactions: from instabilities to energy harvesting
- Extracting trends and correlations from noisy environmental data
- Julien Salort - Local investigation of turbulent thermal flows
- Chemically Synthesised Carbon Nanomaterials
- Skipping Stones, Ruined Roads and those Dam Oscillations
- Flow of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current through Drake Passage: Glacial versus Holocene
- Molecular Adsorption at Metal and Metal Oxide Surfaces: From Corrosion to Catalysis via Functional Biomaterials
- Nonlinear Stability of Multilayer Shear Flows
- Title to be confirmed
- Volume of Fluid methods for the study of droplet impact and atomization
- Fluid mechanics and biological development
- Listen to the Volcano
- Influence of chemical reactions on buoyancy-driven fingering in porous media
- Detraining and entraining line plumes
- To be advised
- Interfacial Effects in Microflows: Different Models vs Experiments
- The many faces of emulsion droplets
- Experiments on Mixing in Gravity Currents / Characterisation of Flux Sensitivity to Uncertainty in Porous Media
- Coating and Drying of Thin Films and its impact on morphology and structure formation
- Nanotechnology for the Oilfield
- Automated parallel adjoints for model differentiation, optimisation and stability analysis
- Turbulence subject to a strong background rotation
- Packing of wires in cavities and growing surfaces
- Inferring past current contributions to the deep Atlantic using Nd isotope records
- Mineral Separation by Froth Flotation: Research Tools and Techniques
- Why did the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption cloud last so long?
- An informal talk on some volcanic flow problems
- The response of the Meridional Overturning Circulation and Antarctic Circumpolar Current to changes in surface forcing
- Trembling, Chugging and Choking in Volcanic Eruptions
- Consider the Icicle
- The 2010 Eruption of Eyjafjallajökull: Interaction between volcanic plumes and the wind and consequences for modelling airborne ash hazard to aviation
- 4th Annual BPI Energy Lecture - Global Warming and the Fate of the Land Carbon Sink
- Wave Crest Statistics - the occurence of freak or rogue waves
- Mineral and Glass Surface Reactivity: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- Taking the Plunge: Stages of a dense river inflow into a lake
- Multiphase Hele-Shaw Flows: from Beaches to Dredgers
- BPI Student Seminar - CANCELLED
- Control design for amplifier and oscillator flows
- Using dynamic models to understand continental deformation
- Shear at soft interfaces
- Clays in contact with water, ions and CO2: interfacial properties and hydrodynamics on the molecular scale
- SPECIAL SEMINAR BP LECTURER - Functionalized Antibodies
- Finite-Reynolds number effects and interfacial phenomena due to solid particles
- Freezing Colloidal Suspensions: Periodic Ice-banding
- Understanding Corrosion through Interface Characterisation
- Granular segregation in driven binary monolayers
- Patterning of Colloidal Particles via Infrared Radiation-Assisted Evaporative Lithography
- Numerical simulation of condensed-phase explosives
- Modelling of forced and natural wetting on uniform and non-uniform surfaces
- Ionic Liquids Confined to Thin Films: Structure and Lubricity
- The Destabilising Effect of Stratification in Layered Shear Flows
- (What's the Story) Internal Solitary Waves?
- Subdivision-stabilised immersed b-spline finite elements for fluid-structure Interaction
- Title to be confirmed
- Flow and reaction of carbon dioxide stored in saline aquifers
- Dispersion and mixing in quasi-two-dimensional turbulent jets
- Multiphase Flow in Pipes
- Pore Network Modelling for Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Title to be confirmed
- Title to be confirmed
- PlaqueTec Limited
- Encapsulation of microorganisms in colloidosomes / Encapsulation of Inhibitors for Down-well Applications
- Numerical studies of droplet impacting and splashing.
- Polymeric Multilayer Capsules in Materials- and Biosciences
- Lagrangian Coherent Structures in Urban Flows
- From Confinement to Composites: Bio-inspired Crystallisation
- Infrared thermography for temperature and velocity measurements in gas flows
- How to control structure and rheology of particle-laden interfaces
- BPI Research Colloquium:
- Intrusive gravity currents and the solitary wave lifecycle in a cylindrical geometry
- Engineering in the cryosphere
- Designing for climate change.
- Soil Mechanics at the Particle Scale - Discrete Element Modelling and Micro Computed Tomography
- Overturning Magma Chambers
- Dynamic mode Decomposition of Numerical and Experimental Data
- Global Water Initiative
- Fault Rocks and Permeability in the Upper Crust
- Oilfield Redevelopment
- Automated computational modelling: Application to multiphysics problems
- Part III Reports
- High-throughput Applications for Heterogeneous Catalysts
- Modelling wave run-up and sediment transport
- New approaches in reconstructing the oxygen isotopic composition of the ocean over Earth history
- BPI Research Colloquia
- Ablation -and maybe growth - at the base of floating ice sheets
- The Past, Present and Future of Energy Technology inside BP
- About charge effects and depletion zones: Interactions of proteins in solution and with interfaces
- About charge effects and depletion zones: Interactions of proteins in solution and with interfaces
- Silent Secrets of a Seemingly Simple System: Segregation in Particle-Laden Rimming Flow
- Internal wave beams: Transport and attractors.
- Hilbert-Huang transform - A new method of analyzing unsteady, nonlinear turbulent flow data
- The treatment of turbulence in engineering simulations
- BPI Research Colloquia
- Delamination of thin sheets from sticky substrates
- Colloidal interfaces in confinement