University of Cambridge > > One day Meeting (Cambridge Philosophical Society): Synthetic Biology - Molecular Bioengineering for the 21st Century > Towards large-scale integrated nucleic acid logic circuits

Towards large-scale integrated nucleic acid logic circuits

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Gos Micklem.

To systematically create complex yet reliable circuits, electrical engineers use digital logic, wherein gatesĀ and subcircuits are composed modularly and signal restoration prevents signal degradation. We have adapted such engineering ideas to the design and experimental implementation of DNA -based digital logic circuits that operate in an aqueous environment. We demonstrate AND , OR, and NOT gates, signal restoration, amplification, feedback, and composition of logic gates into multilayered circuits. Biological nucleic acids such as microRNAs can serve as inputs, and circuits work reliably in a background of unrelated nucleic acids, suggesting applications to the analysis of complex biological samples.

This talk is part of the One day Meeting (Cambridge Philosophical Society): Synthetic Biology - Molecular Bioengineering for the 21st Century series.

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