Exploring soft matter with DNA
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Prof. Tommaso Bellini. Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Mediche e Medicina Traslazionale. Laboratory of Complex Fluids and Molecular Biophysics. Università degli Studi di Milano
Friday 20 May 2016, 14:00-15:00
Small Lecture Theatre, Cavendish Laboratory.
If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr. Hernandez-Ainsa.
The combination of solubility, coded pairing and adjustable flexibility make DNA a unique polymer for designing self-assembled nanostructures with highly controlled structure and mutual interactions.
These properties can be exploited to produce DNA -based systems enabling the exploration of challenging topics in soft matter physics.
In the talk I will exemplify this approach in two main directions.
I will describe the phase behavior of linearly aggregating short DNA and RNA oligomers (down to 4 base long), their liquid crystal ordering and their catalytic action.
I will also describe the phase diagram and critical behavior of low-valence DNA particles, their gelation transition, and their intriguing complex dynamics.
This talk is part of the BSS Formal Seminars series.
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