Flourishing: from science to policy
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Nik Darshane.
The past few years have seen a startling reframing of what the goal of government and organisations should be. Economic growth is no longer regarded as an end in itself, but as a means to an end – and that end is well-being. Well-being or ‘flourishing’ refers to the ability of people to develop their full potential as individuals, in relationships and as members of the wider society. Individuals and groups may vary in their levels of flourishing, but the skills for flourishing can be learnt.
This presentation will explore the issue of how well-being should be defined and measured, and its principle determinants at the individual and population level. Evidence from behavioural science and neuroscience will be presented, which supports the use of well-being interventions as an effective means of enhancing flourishing in individuals and organisations. Particular attention will be paid to mindfulness training, which with its emphasis on curiosity, awareness and kindness towards oneself and others, can be regarded as foundational to flourishing. The policy implications of mindfulness and other approaches to increasing well-being in the domains of mental health, education and the workplace will be discussed.
This talk is part of the Social Psychology Seminar Series (SPSS) series.
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