The charge of the light cyber brigade?
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Eiko Yoneki.
Cyberwar and cyber threats have been on everyone’s lips ever since Stuxnet became public. But what is a cyber weapon? How does one create the cyber battlefield and who does it? Is there such a thing as a cyberwar? Cyber conflict?
During this talk, we will discuss how cybernetics have changed nations and how they change national security and warfare.
Bio: Mikko Särelä has 15 years of experience working in network security. He got his PhD in 2011 on his work on information centric networks while he was working as a researcher at Nomadiclab Ericsson. He then joined the School of Electrical Engineering in Aalto University as a post-doctoral researcher to work on digital security; networked security of critical infrastructure, industrial control systems, automation systems, electricity grid, and computer networks.
This talk is part of the Computer Laboratory Systems Research Group Seminar series.
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