Conference talks' practice run
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Vaiva Imbrasaite.
Marwa and Neil will rehearse their talks for upcoming conferences.
Neil: 20 minute talk at EuroMED 2012
The movie industry: modelling and imaging, production and archive, Neil Dodgson, University of Cambridge, UK
Movies provide a range of insights into the management of cultural heritage. First, movies are themselves ephemeral cultural artefacts: the archiving and preservation of movies over the past century can teach us much about the problems of preserving both physical and digital objects. Second, modern movie production uses 3D modelling and imaging techniques that are equally applicable to cultural heritage applications: both fields can benefit from advances in the other. Third, some movies directly use cultural heritage in sets, props and costumes, so considerable benefit could be gained from collaborative work: reconstructing lost or damaged heritage for both the ephemeral and posterity.
This talk is part of the Rainbow Group Seminars series.
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