The Recent Increase of Antarctic Sea Ice Extent
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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Dr Alex Archibald.
Over the last 30 years there has been a marked decrease in the extent of sea ice across the Arctic Ocean, with the greatest loss in the Autumn. However, over the same period the extent of sea ice across the Southern Ocean as a whole has increased at a statistically significant rate, with the greatest increase being in the austral Autumn. But this trend masks large regional variations, with there having been a small increase of ice around the coast of East Antarctica and large losses (increases) in the Bellingshausen (Ross) Seas. Various theories have been put forward to explain the observed trends involving oceanic changes, greater precipitation onto the sea ice and changes in atmospheric circulation, at least in part resulting from the loss of stratospheric ozone. This talk will examine the changes in sea ice observed in satellite data and consider how climate model runs for the last 30 years simulate the observed trends.
This talk is part of the Cambridge Centre for Climate Science series.
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