University of Cambridge > > Computer Laboratory Security Seminar > The distribution of different sources of malware

The distribution of different sources of malware

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The compromised systems that push malware (and its products such as spam) are widespread on the Internet today. Many researchers and experts have claimed that certain countries seem to “specialize” in particular sorts of malware without attempting to note whether there is any correlation between the different sorts. Thanks to a database that contains up to four years’ worth of data the speaker believes he can draw some conclusions about where different sorts of malware originate and how compromised computers (and hence) IP addresses change what malware they deliver.

Speaker bio

Francis Turner is VP Product Management for ThreatSTOP Inc., a leader in the IP reputation space. He has worked for over 20 years in the IT and data communication industries, starting with a stint at IBM in the mid 1980s before reading Computer Science at Magdalene College, Cambridge. Subsequently he worked for Madge Networks and Bay Networks. After the latter merged with Nortel, he became the European Product Manager for their enterprise switching division. In 2001 he left Nortel Networks to be CIO at a small biotech company that was seminal in the use of computation in the analysis and creation of new enzymatic processes. Most recently he worked at a consultancy firm assisting ICT companies with their multinational product marketing and business development.

This talk is part of the Computer Laboratory Security Seminar series.

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