Resilience, regulation, and adaptation - British children's first school experiences
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Using a longitudinal and ecological approach, the current paper aimed to identify factors that foster positive adaptation by elucidating the effects of temperament, attachment, Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis reactivity (reflected in levels of cortisol), and the supportiveness of classroom contexts on young children’s first school experiences and assess their physiological responses to enrolment. The findings underscored the significant influences of surgency (one dimension of temperament) and security of attachment on initial school experiences, suggesting that, although the quality of caring environments moderates
stress reactivity to new environment, early behavioural coaching for children who are high in surgency may help them become more resilient by facilitating their successful mastery or tasks and relationships during the
early year.
This talk is part of the Social Psychology Seminar Series (SPSS) series.
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