University of Cambridge > > SciSoc – Cambridge University Scientific Society > Beyond the Standard Model of particle physics: a maths-driven journey to the unknown

Beyond the Standard Model of particle physics: a maths-driven journey to the unknown

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If you have a question about this talk, please contact Zhang Xianghao Jeffrey.

Our current understanding of the elementary building blocks of Nature, encapsulated by the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics, is one of the most successful theory constructions of the past century, yet it is necessarily incomplete. Several experimental observations, such as the presence of Dark Matter and the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe, are currently unexplained by the model. In my talk I will discuss how the uncharted territory beyond the Standard Model can be explored and how Maths can be a precious compass to guide us in the fascinating quest for the unknown.

This talk will be free for all, including non-members.

This talk is part of the SciSoc – Cambridge University Scientific Society series.

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